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Should the army be brought in to control violent demonstrations

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Being serious, I think SYP do a good job at demonstrations, in the last 20 or so years anyway. No comment on the miners strike, I'm too young to remember it, but I've heard it was other forces bussed in that caused the violence there. The Met & other forces could learn a few things from SYP.


Over aggressive policing causes a lot more trouble, they just need to keep an eye on things & arrest any troublemakers.


Unless you want to create a society like China, where everyone is scared to have an opinion, sending the army in would be a horrible idea.

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I didn't see protestors hurtling themselves towards the police on horseback. I didn't see them in full riot gear, with batons either.

Yes but you saw protestors smashing their way into the con party HQ, you also saw a fire extinguisher amongst other things thrown from the roof of the said building.

The complaint then was that the police were too few and not active enough.

The trouble with people like you is that you want your cake and eat it.

The police can never do right with people who support anarchist views.

BTW how many were injured by the horses?

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Being serious, I think SYP do a good job at demonstrations, in the last 20 or so years anyway. No comment on the miners strike, I'm too young to remember it, but I've heard it was other forces bussed in that caused the violence there. The Met & other forces could learn a few things from SYP.


Over aggressive policing causes a lot more trouble, they just need to keep an eye on things & arrest any troublemakers.


Unless you want to create a society like China, where everyone is scared to have an opinion, sending the army in would be a horrible idea.

If you'd been at Orgreave and seen the damage done by the rioters not the police to local peoples property ie fences, gates, walls and lamp posts to goad the police with missiles I'm sure you'd think "Oh what peaceful pickets the miners are".

Regardles of your views there was no excusing the damage done by the pickets to private property.

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Yes but you saw protestors smashing their way into the con party HQ, you also saw a fire extinguisher amongst other things thrown from the roof of the said building.

The complaint then was that the police were too few and not active enough.

The trouble with people like you is that you want your cake and eat it.

The police can never do right with people who support anarchist views.

BTW how many were injured by the horses?


Yes, I did see those things you mention.


What do you mean, I want my cake and eat it? If you mean I want the police to ensure safety or protestors, yes I do. If you mean I want the police to protect life first and property second, yes I do. If you mean, I don't want to see innocent protestors having strokes or people caught up in the protests being killed for sauntering with their hands in their pockets, a little too slow for the police's liking, that's right. Is that really too much to ask?

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Yes, I did see those things you mention.


What do you mean, I want my cake and eat it? If you mean I want the police to ensure safety or protestors, yes I do. If you mean I want the police to protect life first and property second, yes I do. If you mean, I don't want to see innocent protestors having strokes or people caught up in the protests being killed for sauntering with their hands in their pockets, a little too slow for the police's liking, that's right. Is that really too much to ask?

The real and most of the brutality was not inflicted by the police but against them.

You'd be the first to whine if the demonstrators ran riot outside your house and smahed their way in whilst the police stood by because they were concerned about supporters of anarchists accusing them of heavy handedness.

Like I said people like you want your cake and eat it.

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The real and most of the brutality was not inflicted by the police but against them.

The protestors had fake brutality against them?


These arguments are silly when anyone tries to take a side. All brutality is bad. It's possible to disagree with people throwing fire extinguishers and a policeman bopping people with his truncheon at the same time. To try and be divisive on the subject can only end badly. There is good and bad on both sides.

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When there is violent disorder people get hurt.

The police are there to maintain the authority of the state over mob rule.

Therefore they must always win in such circumstances.

Political agitators try to cause over reaction from the police so they can later undermine their authority and that of the state.

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