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Should the army be brought in to control violent demonstrations

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Danot...... They would be firing on sight at people who choose to throw missiles which could blind.mame.even kill someone who is trying to do a job that they get payed to do.
And given all the bricks and stones thrown, how many people are left maimed, blind or dead in the police ranks ?
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And given all the bricks and stones thrown, how many people are left maimed, blind or dead in the police ranks ?


At least 6 seriously injured bobbies the last i heard could be more now.

Use rubber bullets (baton rounds) and high pressure hoses, would soon sort the crowds!!!

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What the originator of the thread is proposing will become reality if these stupid left wing students dont play the game by the rules. Martial law is when the Army take over where the Police failed. The worst thing that a demonstration can do is turn ugly, NEVER let the heat of the moment carry you away. You immediately change from a noble person demanding change to a THUG.... Martial law at demonstrations will become a reality if people don't keep their cool.


No one listens to a person shouting but people will strain to hear the voice of wisdom. The automatic reaction in conflict is to respond with conflict, if you dont let it get that far and intelligently state your claims, then you will be listened to.


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Marbles. .. You need to read and learn to understand. I said open fire on people causing danger to others. For example somebody swinging a plank of wood towards a police officers head should be shot and shown that this will not be stood for. Or another example somebody who throws a brick into a building when there is somebody in there trying to work who could be killed by that same brick. .. Do you agree with that. I am knly giving examples i have seen on t.v today and there are loads more.

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Is it time we gave up.the idea of having police trying to.control.these violent thugs as seen in recent student demos. These people clearly have no fear of police so lets try the army with loaded weapons and see if they throw missiles at them and taunt them into acts of violence i would love to see them what they deserve a good old fashioned pasting. Anyone who chooses to participate in endangering peoples lives should be met with one thing. .Brute force.


Lets leave policing to the police, and soldiering to the soldiers. It's not a difficult concept.

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Marbles. .. You need to read and learn to understand. I said open fire on people causing danger to others. For example somebody swinging a plank of wood towards a police officers head should be shot and shown that this will not be stood for. Or another example somebody who throws a brick into a building when there is somebody in there trying to work who could be killed by that same brick. .. Do you agree with that. I am knly giving examples i have seen on t.v today and there are loads more.
Maybe batons and trampled under horses don'e hurt, maybe that bloke who was walking home at the G20 protest that was beat to death by police doesn't matter ?


look the state are there to serve the people, if their is unrest then its because they are failing in their duty. I don't condone anyone throwing stones but you were not down on the ground being 'kettled' crushed and stopped from exercising your right to protest.

What you propose will just make the next protesters that come after them will be armed and then where it end ?

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