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Should the army be brought in to control violent demonstrations

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If the man was inciting violence a wheelchair does not make him immune from arrest.
And rest assured this scrote was no model citizen - these clips are his own words:


“We were approaching the Treasury on our right; “That’s our first target,” I told my brother.”


“We were on the rampage”.


“A crowd of around 200 had by now gathered on the other side of the police lines. We turned, and began marching, running, in the opposite direction. Morale was high. Anger at the government was even higher. Kicks and punches were thrown as we passed the Department of Education”.


“we were in a militant mood. Me and Finlay crossed over, into the oncoming traffic, and within seconds the whole crowd had followed”.


“Me and Finlay immediately set to work, tearing down the metal barriers”


“Two policemen blocking a tiny door were soon brushed aside, and around fifty of us forced our way through”



And people stand up for this 'poor victim' just becasue he has a disability? He should spend the next decade in jail.

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BBC - Youtube. London Student Protest / Riot - Police Charge On Horseback.
That was a controld canter designed to disperse, not one rioter was contacted by a horse.

The horses were moving at a pace that enabled the rioters to safely disperse with plenty of room to do so.

yet another failed attempt to blacken the police.

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“Two policemen blocking a tiny door were soon brushed aside, and around fifty of us forced our way through”



There you are typical heavy handed over reaction from the police, why did it need two policemen to control 50 rioters when two Community Support Officers would have sufficed?

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