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Should the army be brought in to control violent demonstrations

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Indeed. He writes like a naive teenager with ideas bigger than his head, but i can tolerate that. You're the one who wants to send him down for a decade.
Yes, at least that long. I'd probably have him neutered as well for good measure.


Please answer my question above - do you apply the same tolerance to the similarly idealised and naive youth of the EDL or BNP?

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We are arguing over interpretation, so i shall bow out of this little bit. You call it as you wish. Others may call it as they wish.


With regards to Jody Mcintyre, i think he's clever at using his wheelchair to his advantage. I will agree to that. I never believed him to be an angel, but he has as much right as everyone else to protest against student fees. If he really was terrible i'm sure the police would've arrested him. His blog reads like a kid boasting about a school yard scrap and turning it into the Battle of Waterloo.

I think we have come to the end of the debate but it has been interesting debating our different perceptions of occurances in an adult way.

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Is it time we gave up.the idea of having police trying to.control.these violent thugs as seen in recent student demos. These people clearly have no fear of police so lets try the army with loaded weapons and see if they throw missiles at them and taunt them into acts of violence i would love to see them what they deserve a good old fashioned pasting. Anyone who chooses to participate in endangering peoples lives should be met with one thing. .Brute force.


Perhaps water cannons are the answer. Painless but effective.

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They rode towards a crowd who moved and then the horses moved into the vacated space. When the horses entered that area there was no one occupying it.

The crowd was on either side of the area they occupied.

It is shown clearly on the film which you supplied.


Did the people move because:

a) They saw the police horses and calmly decided to make space for them amongst their group?

or b) The saw the police horses charging towards them and ran so they wouldn't be trampled?


The fact that nobody was injured, apart from the policeman who lost control of his horse, was more by luck than judgement. All it would have taken is for one person in a wheelchair to have been in the middle of where the horses ended up for a mass trampling to have occured. The face that the Police then expressed surprise at coming under an even greater attack of projectiles makes me wonder exactly who was in charge of their tactics and what were they thinking? Did they expect the result of the charge to be the protestors to go "sod this for a laugh, I'm off the the SU bar"?

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i think you'll find the riot police were in great form....


Great form for them, great form for the current government, yes. They performed exactly how they wanted to, got a nice bit of violence for the front pages to distract from the actual protest, great job lads.


However, shameful disastrous form for democracy and freedom. It really depresses me that any citizens could possibly not see that. What hope does democracy have when ignorance and obedience is celebrated?

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