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Should the army be brought in to control violent demonstrations

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The troublemakers at protests haven't been hired or rented by anyone, they just spontaneously turn up and cause some trouble, they aren't organised or given a brief of any kind.


The riot police however, are drafted in from all over the country to 'police' protests, 'rent-a-mob' is a much more apt description for them.

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How could that have possibly been the result considering that they weren't allowed to leave by the police?


I can't see any sensible reason for endangering the protestors, police and horses in the manner that the police chief's decided. At the point they charged with the horses, while the police were getting a bit of a battering with thrown objects, nobody was particularaly angry or scared. No buildings were being attacked and the protestors were getting nowhere. The police could have just stood their ground and waited for them to get bored.


The horse charge changed all of that, even the news reporters on the ground were saying "it's all got a lot uglier down here". I can imagine a lot of previously peaceful (apart from a bit of shouting) people getting seriously angry at having to climb over other people while basically running for your life against a charging animal. Previously it was a rather rowdy protest, subsequently it was a riot.


Don't get me wrong, I've got nothing against any of the brave policemen and women who were there on the day, and am disgusted by the behaviour of some so-called educated people, but the tactics which the police chiefs were subjecting their men and women on the street to left a lot to be desired. It's worth remembering that the only serious injury to a police officer on that day was as a direct result of the police chiefs decisions (the horse charge). It was unsusprising to later see the police spokeswomen blame all the sustained injuries entirely on the protestors.

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They rode into the space where the crowd had been.

That is exactly how the video showed it, a well executed manoeuver by the police horsemen.

Anyone not biased would admit the rioters dispersed before the cantering police horses actualy arrived.

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They rode into the crowd, yes.
Watch the video again, thsi time with your eyes open and the blinkers off.

When the cantering not galloping police horeses arrived the rioters had already dispersed.

The police should be congratulated for their skill and discipline in the face of rioting agression.

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