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Should the army be brought in to control violent demonstrations

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Mental case!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Sticks and stones will.....

Oh ang on, Id have to shoot you wouldn't I ?


I dont want you to think i have started something i cant finish, but i must retire to bed. I have to get up for WORK to pay my TAXES to pay for the damage the scummie students have caused.

I am sure we will conveine tomorrow evening.

Good night

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The police could have stopped the riots anytime they wanted to.


Had it been a few lads at Bramall Lane or Hillsbrough the police would have been amongst them without hesitation using batons and dogs. Innocent bystander? Nah, all football fans are the same.


One law for the students, another for the working class.


I think there is a degree of truth in that. More to do with the media being about but if people had gone off like that down the lane they'd have been battered senseless.

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In my mind, these students need it given to them, and hard.


If it takes the army to do that, then so be it.


I don't want to go into town, and face the kind of rabble that we saw in London today


You have issues.


The police have a job to do, and the army have a job to do. Bringing soldiers in to do a job they are not trained for is a recipe for disaster.

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Oh and to the person that said it would make it worse they would come back armed. Can i ask what they would arm themselves with that would even slightly compare with tanks machine guns water cannons. Sniper rifles. Yes it sounds extreme but i think that one of these scumbags would think twice about trying to attack a car carrying the royal family if they had an army tank heading towards them therefore it would stop them wouldnt it. Would these same scroats try to break a line of soldiers carry assult rifles i dont think so they wouldnt dare or would these same peacefull protesters dare to scale a building and smash the windows if they had a snipers beaming shining on them i dont think so so my point is the army would be a presence they wouldnt dare mess with.

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Oh and to the person that said it would make it worse they would come back armed. Can i ask what they would arm themselves with that would even slightly compare with tanks machine guns water cannons. Sniper rifles. Yes it sounds extreme but i think that one of these scumbags would think twice about trying to attack a car carrying the royal family if they had an army tank heading towards them therefore it would stop them wouldnt it. Would these same scroats try to break a line of soldiers carry assult rifles i dont think so they wouldnt dare or would these same peacefull protesters dare to scale a building and smash the windows if they had a snipers beaming shining on them i dont think so so my point is the army would be a presence they wouldnt dare mess with.


You mean like this?




It is not those who can inflict the most, but those that can suffer the most who will conquer

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This is quite possibly the stupidest thread that has ever appeared on the sheffield forum i can't help but think that mayfair is making the woman who rang the police about her snowman being stolen look like a candidate for mensa.

You seem to think that the Tiananmen Square massacre was a shining beacon of righteousness, i despair of this sort of idiocy it makes a mockery of one of the worlds great democracies.

At most the police could have use of water cannons for the most serious situations but in our current climate that would also be fraught with danger.

As far as i can see most of the trouble seems to be caused by these new methods of controlling protesters which is shown to increase tension and therefore the likelihood of a violent encounter.

But that is not helped when there seems to be a new case of people going to protests with the aim of inciting violence, the police obviously need to work on a tactic of separating these fools from the real protest and dealing with them accordingly.

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