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Should the army be brought in to control violent demonstrations

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What if the students start arming themselves in response to the army?


Your over rating the students big time, the coppers have been soft on em up to now, probably cos there is an army of 'snappers' at every confrontation point. I want to see the cops set about them and see what 'the students' are really made of....my guess is most of them will be off crying to mummy and daddy when a few get sore skulls :hihi:

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Your over rating the students big time, the coppers have been soft on em up to now, probably cos there is an army of 'snappers' at every confrontation point. I want to see the cops set about them and see what 'the students' are really made of....my guess is most of them will be off crying to mummy and daddy when a few get sore skulls :hihi:


Probably true but it's pretty obvious the real trouble makers are the usual rag-bag of 'anarchists', left-wingers and 'don't want to pay for anything. Ever' (as was the case in the Poll Tax riots).


But if the students are really concerned with their life choices, future etc. they'd keep well clear of these 'protests' as they are being used by the aforementioned professional protestors. So they get arrested - either on the spot or by using CCTV evidence. Want a job in the Public Sector - especially as more jobs require a CRB? No chance, you've got a criminal record. Ditto if you ever fancy going to America. Forget it.

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I am sure the police can cope .. they have better training and equipment these days. This lot is nothing compared to what went on in the 1960's, in Grosvenor Square, and the poll tax riots in the 1980s, or and heaven forbid, the riots that happened in UK inner cities.

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And by the way i said the army should be allowed to use force i.e open fire on people endangering peoples lives not 12year olds. ..


Hmm the problem with that strategy is that the tooled up squaddies are likely to be indiscriminate in their use of force, against unarmed citizens-remember Bloody Sunday?


There's nothing more guaranteed to galvanise public opinion against law and order than the state exercising it's authority in a a totally excessive fashion.

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