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Should the army be brought in to control violent demonstrations

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And charging kids on horses worked I suppose ?


Well the police officer who got dragged off and stamped on by his horse may think it was excessive for one at least.


Kids as young as 12 were at that protest because the Govt has done away with the EMA.


Fetch the army in. Are you for real ?


The Police officer lost control of his horse and fell off. As this shows, not a demonstrator in sight..

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Water canons should do the trick especially in the really cold weather we`ve been having

Add a drop of dye, and spray over those causing problems (and not peacefully protesting) , and the former are then easily identifyable for subsequent arrest. Problem solved.


The genuine students have a valid point , and I believe any fees for a successfully completed university course which benefits society (i.e. medical) should be refunded to the student.


But, fees for any time wasters course, such as "surfing" run by the University of Bournemouth, should be paid entirely for by the students themselves.


The county is in a finanical mess, due to 30 years of financial mismanagement, during which all the assets have been sold off, coupled with a reduction in exchange controls allowing all previous investment and wealth to be frittered away or exported elsewhere.

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I actually cannot belive there is anyone that seriously cares if one of these vile scumbags is killed whilst 'protesting' i mean the ones that start fires then throw lit objects at the police also the ones that hit police with scaffold bars or the ones that attack cars carrying members of the royal family or what about them that chose to use a fence panel as a battering ram towards police or use there sign as somekind of weapon and swing at police. These people should be shot at and left for dead they would leave there victims for dead so why shouldnt our troops/police leave them. They dont deserve medical attention so lets get the dealt with once and for all. ...

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They should step up another gear and kill anyone who is seen being `out of order`. They won`t hang around then.


Yep, great and the day they do that millions of normally law abiding citizens will want to kick the door in at Downing Street.

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Attacking police, urinating on Churchill, and worst of all messing with the Centopath are wrong-minded acts.


But anyone who thinks that opening fire on unruly protestors is a good idea has either not thought through, is not all there, or a Chinese state leader.

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Some of you sound insane. Open fire on crowds? Are you serious?


i never said open fire on crowds i said the 5percent that turn up and endanger peoples lives should be dealt with in a way that would teach them never to do it again or leave them in a state they physically couldnt do it again. So get of your horse named do gooder and read what i wrote

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