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Prince Charles' car attacked

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That was nothing to do with student protest. It was the anarachist loony lefties that keep sabotaging the whole thing. These people need to realise that not everyone wants to live in a caravan, have dreadlocks and keep a dog on the end of a piece of string.


Should round them up and let Charles set the dogs on them.


I'd be happy to watch and add a bit of encouragement.

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What an odd thing to say. The people on the forum arguing for the army to be brought on to the streets and with no respect for democracy are the forum tories


How does being anti-smash the hell out of everything and being anti-throw stuff at coppers heads make you anti-democracy? :huh:


Probably a daft question to somebody who hates the police, still getting over Orgreave? :hihi:

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The Police don't help. A protest can be peaceful if left to organise its self, kettling and penning them in starts frustration and then determination.


While we are talking about people getting caught up in things, anyone remember that bloke walking home that was beat to death by the police ?

That got swept under the carpet fast enough.


I don't condone the violence or the criminal damage, but you have to let a protest go ahead and police it accordingly as it goes on, not have tactics to stem it prior to anything happening or your actions make things kick off.


Protesters were breaking up blocks to throw, they didn't go armed, they used what was there, after being kettled and it all blew out of propotion.


They did not stick to the agreed route.

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