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Prince Charles' car attacked

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The most likely outcome of the next election is that the Tories will have a small overall majority - as long as Cameron can keep his right wing quiet


The left supporting Lib Dem voters will abandon them for propping up a Tory Government - they'll lose a few seats to Labour but more to the Tories


I hope the Lib Dems don't implode and fall apart (if you can do both) but I can see it happening

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The most likely outcome of the next election is that the Tories will have a small overall majority - as long as Cameron can keep his right wing quiet


The left supporting Lib Dem voters will abandon them for propping up a Tory Government - they'll lose a few seats to Labour but more to the Tories


I hope the Lib Dems don't implode and fall apart (if you can do both) but I can see it happening

Can we keep this on topic because I voted for that dip stick Clegg and feel bad enough without it in my face every topic what a mistake we did giving them votes :(

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The most likely outcome of the next election is that the Tories will have a small overall majority - as long as Cameron can keep his right wing quiet


The left supporting Lib Dem voters will abandon them for propping up a Tory Government - they'll lose a few seats to Labour but more to the Tories


I hope the Lib Dems don't implode and fall apart (if you can do both) but I can see it happening


A very interesting and well thought out post, however don't you think that everything hinges on AV? I have a feeling that neither Cameron or Clegg will fancy another term, the current one is turning out nothing like a Blair term, grinning, lying and declaring war on folk.


Whatever the future brings I can't envisage a single party government ever again.

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I wasn't going to go off topic again but its only polite to respond!


It all depends on how likely you think it is that AV has got a chance of being introduced - I'm not sure what credibility poor old Nick Clegg has at the moment - he may be able to regain some over the coming months when the dust settles, but I'm dubious about its chances of being introduced


Going back on topic - I'm not sure I particularly care if Prince Charles was caught up in the riot/demonstration anymore than I care about any other innocent parties caught up in it


I realise it is more newsworthy, but I'm sure he is more used to this sort of thing than Joe Public

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I can't believe only a few officers were on hand to ward off the attackers.


When someone attacks our Royals, they are not just attacking the Elite upperclass scum blah blah, they are attacking us all. Is it not the duty of all Englishmen to defend our Royal family, what disgusted me more than the lack of police protecting our Royals was the lack of aid given by the students themselves.

The students who supported a peaceful demonstration were a little short of meatshielding our Prince.


I hope they catch the culprits that attacked the car more so than those who attacked buildings.

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I can't believe only a few officers were on hand to ward off the attackers.


When someone attacks our Royals, they are not just attacking the Elite upperclass scum blah blah, they are attacking us all. Is it not the duty of all Englishmen to defend our Royal family, what disgusted me more than the lack of police protecting our Royals was the lack of aid given by the students themselves.

The students who supported a peaceful demonstration were a little short of meatshielding our Prince.


I hope they catch the culprits that attacked the car more so than those who attacked buildings.




Do you mean our branch of the German House of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha?

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