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Prince Charles' car attacked

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The Royal don't travel around in the middle of an army of policemen. Some of the police who were providing protection were armed and had they perhaps been less experienced and had they showed less restraint, then the person who attempted to attack the Prince and The Duchess might've ended up in hospital with a bullet hole in him - Or worse.


AFAIR, a few years ago armed police shot a lorry driver armed with a sword on the Humber Bridge. The range of a sword is about 3ft, the range of a bullet is a bit more. The lorry driver was killed and the subsequent enquiry exonerated the police, saying they had a duty to protect the wider public. When asked why the police didn't 'shoot to wound', the answer given was that they are taught to shoot to kill. - A wounded armed man (even a man armed with a sword) is still a danger.


Just as well for the rioter that the police didn't follow the same rules on Thursday.




Which real world is that? Is that the world when people not connected with a protest; people 'going about their lawful occasion' can expect to be set upon by rioters?




They don't need a tax disc. The car isn't insured, either (so unless they can sue the b**tard who damaged it, they will have to pay for it ... or rather we all will, out of the privy purse, no doubt.)


They are not a part of the government; they don't set policy, nor can they change government policy. Why should they be attacked by thugs demonstrating against the government?




That, perhaps is the saddest part of Thursday's shameful events.


The protesters don't want to see increased tuition fees. They said they were going to protest and they are legally entitled to protest.


I don't suppose anybody who is going to be affected by government cuts and price rises which are unrelated to those cuts is going to like it either.


The students wanted to 'send a message'. They did so.


The message I heard was:


"We do not accept that we should pay for our degree courses" (though they already are and for most of them, the government's increased charges will be irrelevant.) "We do not accept that future students should have to pay for their courses either. Somebody else should pay. Students should get whatever they want and they should get it at no charge."


That part of the message would perhaps be understandable. It's immature and fails to face up to the fact that most things cost money and if you want them, you have to pay for them.


Then again, they are immature. They're young and most of them have had most of the things they want provided at no charge by parents or by the state since they were born.


But the message they sent didn't stop there. It went on to say:


"We want our own way and if we don't get what we want we are prepared to destroy other people's property, set fire to things, attack people and injure them. If we kill them we don't care." (Remember that fire extinguisher a few weeks ago?)


The third part of the message said:


"We are not interested in democracy. We don't give a stuff about you and your society." (Peeing on statues, swinging from the Cenotaph, attacking the Royal's car.)


Is that what life in Britain is going to be like in the 21st Century?


Some of those people are probably the people who will be running the country. Their attitude seems to be: "I am going to have whatever I want. The rest of society must provide it for me or I will destroy society."


What a change to hear respect and reality on here. Well said.

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This article just about sums the cretins up for me, this kid photographed near the royal car and earlier swinging from the cenotaph, has a very wealthy father (pink floyd guitarist charlie gilmour) a man himself honoured some years ago by the queen. It's so easy to be a rebellious prat when you are safe in the comfort of knowing your fathers wealth will probably bail you out of most situations you may find yourself in.

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What a change to hear respect and reality on here. Well said.




This article just about sums the cretins up for me, this kid photographed near the royal car and earlier swinging from the cenotaph, has a very wealthy father (pink floyd guitarist charlie gilmour) a man himself honoured some years ago by the queen. It's so easy to be a rebellious prat when you are safe in the comfort of knowing your fathers wealth will probably bail you out of most situations you may find yourself in.


Well, where do you draw the line and when you do draw it, how do you ensure it is fair?


Fair is fair. A couple of months ago tha papers carried an article about a chavette (15 yrs old) who spray-painted a war memorial. Her parents were mortified. Her mother suggested (in mitigation) that she - the 15 yr old daughter - didn't understand what a war memorial really was.


I found that hard to accept, but a couple of days ago I was told that a Cambridge student (an Undergard at Girton) who was reading history was unable to recognise the premier war memorial in the United Kingdom when he was trying to swing off it usong the union flag.




He didn't recognise the Cenotaph?


'Well, we hadn't done that yet, guv!'


How the hell did he get a place to read History at Cambridge?


His behaviour was scandalous. He should be sent down (and I'd be fascinated to read a paper from the university arguing against that.)


He won't be sent down, of course. His dad is wealthy and the alumni assoc needs every penny it can get.


Here's a chance to make five bob more:


I bet five bob that Charlie Gilmour doesn't get sent down for his scandalous behaviour at the Cenotaph last week.


Furthermore, I bet another pound that none of the people who approved Charlie for a place at Girton is prepared to justify why they awarded him the place.


Did he get it on academic ability?

Did he get it on their considered assessment of his maturity? (Not that that would be worth much.)

Or did he get the place because his dad is worth 58 million and that might be worth a few bob to the Alumni association?


Girton college: a place where those who read history can get away with claiming that they don't have a <REMOVED> clue what the Cenotaph is.


After all, Charlie Gilmour was swinging off the Cenotaph, didn't understand what it was and Girton didn't see anything unusual in that.

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The Royals car was attacked today in london as the protests were going on.....


What sort of idiot is in charge of their security?! to drive them through known violent protest...think they need to be having words with the security officials..


With reguards to the attacker/s. They could have been shot. I would have zero sympathy.


The royal security needs sacking on the spot.


#1 for letting a member of the royal family to drive in to that situation.

#2 for allowing a member of the royal family out in a car that was not bullet proof.


Most of this thread has turned to rat crap just for a change again.

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Whilst I don't think it was right to put the fear of god up Charles and Red Rum. erm, I mean Camilla, the reports in the press state that one of the car's windows was smashed, and Camila was struck.


Odd then, that the photos show the limo's windows intact when they reached their destination.


Something smells a bit odd about this incident. Particulalrly the part where the intelligence (?) officers managed to allow the royal car to go through the area where the rioting was.


I think it happened deliberately to try and make the students lose credence fo their protest. (not the the behaviour of Gilmore Minor and his cohorts havent done a lot of damage already)

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Whilst I don't think it was right to put the fear of god up Charles and Red Rum. erm, I mean Camilla, the reports in the press state that one of the car's windows was smashed, and Camila was struck.


Odd then, that the photos show the limo's windows intact when they reached their destination.


Something smells a bit odd about this incident. Particulalrly the part where the intelligence (?) officers managed to allow the royal car to go through the area where the rioting was.


I think it happened deliberately to try and make the students lose credence fo their protest. (not the the behaviour of Gilmore Minor and his cohorts havent done a lot of damage already)


The window was smashed, i posted a photo of it on the night on the riot thread that got deleted.


Theres a shot of it here

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Whilst I don't think it was right to put the fear of god up Charles and Red Rum. erm, I mean Camilla, the reports in the press state that one of the car's windows was smashed, and Camila was struck.


Odd then, that the photos show the limo's windows intact when they reached their destination.


Something smells a bit odd about this incident. Particulalrly the part where the intelligence (?) officers managed to allow the royal car to go through the area where the rioting was.


I think it happened deliberately to try and make the students lose credence fo their protest. (not the the behaviour of Gilmore Minor and his cohorts havent done a lot of damage already)


I find it hard to believe that the intelligence officers/bodyguards would deliberately and knowingly allow royals to be placed in harms way to make the students lose credence . It was probably all a muck up. Someone assumed that there would be large numbers of police at that location.

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