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Martial Arts - What do you do?

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what martial art do you Train?

Thai Boxing


how long have you been training?

Not too long


what else have you done?

Taekwondo when I was younger for around a year.


why do you train in the art that you train in?

Because it's the most violent and physically challenging I could find. Requires extreme self-motivation and willpower, plus a set of balls.

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Currently not training in any martial arts.

However I have trained in the following:

  • Taekwondo
  • Capoiera
  • Ju-Jitsu
  • Aikido
  • Thai Boxing


Started originaly training when I was about 14.


I cant find just one art to train in, so I sample a lot of different ones. I'm currently looking for a training session somewhere mate. ;) ;)


Any special 'discount' anywhere that you know of??? You know for 'friends' / 'occupational colleagues' type :D

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- Ju-Jitsu for coming up to a year.

- Muay Thai for about 4 months.


Why? I like the technical nature of JJ and the way that you use an opponent's force to disarm them. Also a good way of restraining people without having to strike them, and for learning how to fall and roll properly.

I like MT because it's the opposite - relatively simple but very brutal moves.

I can imagine MT being effective quite quickly whereas I can see JJ only being effective in a real situation after many years of training.

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Not training at the moment some prat ran me over in her car but;


10 years in Shotokan Karate as student and teacher


have also studied Aikido and Kendo, Iado.


started training for defence and application and worked a couple of years as a door man. Was interested in control of violence not violence itself and pride myself on never have unnecessarily hurt anyone when working the door.


I love Japanese history and culture and enjoy the traditional aspects. my martial arts now affects my approach to life and I now realise the enemy was me all the time and once I mastered that life was pretty good through these systems.

Bit deep but the Martial Arts can get you that way.

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I used to train in Shotokan Karate back when I was 14, but gave it up when I went away to college in the early 90s, and haven't really had the time or chance to get back into it since, although I'd like to, for the exercise more than anything.


I just have a busy weekly schedule at the moment so it's hard fitting anything like that in.

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Ok here we go with mine,

Started training in Wado Ryu in 1983, got my 1st dan in 86,

did some Shotokan and Renshinkai, and Tae Kwon Do(ITF AND WTF)

also done some Kickboxing and Judo.

Started Jeet Kune Do in 93 been doing it since

started Eskrima/Kali at the same time still doing that as well

trained with some of the top JKD/KALI instructors both in the UK and the USA, Competed in full contact stickfighting internationally,

i have also been lucky to train with some of the best Brazilain Jiu-Jitsu Instructors in the world as well.


i enjoy the freedom JKD gives me to my training.

and still class myself as a student.


also spend my friday and saturday nights working on the door, roll on the summer nights(LOL)

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Originally posted by jay_kd

Ok here we go with mine,

Started training in Wado Ryu in 1983, got my 1st dan in 86,

did some Shotokan and Renshinkai, and Tae Kwon Do(ITF AND WTF)

also done some Kickboxing and Judo.

Started Jeet Kune Do in 93 been doing it since

started Eskrima/Kali at the same time still doing that as well

trained with some of the top JKD/KALI instructors both in the UK and the USA, Competed in full contact stickfighting internationally,

i have also been lucky to train with some of the best Brazilain Jiu-Jitsu Instructors in the world as well.


i enjoy the freedom JKD gives me to my training.

and still class myself as a student.


also spend my friday and saturday nights working on the door, roll on the summer nights(LOL)


Did you spill my pint? :)

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