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How important is your happiness at work?

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I would sacrifice some happiness to be my own boss and not have to answer to anybody :hihi:


I've been my own boss and i can safely say that if you think it can be hard and stressful working for someone else it's nothing compared to working for yourself.

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I've been my own boss and i can safely say that if you think it can be hard and stressful working for someone else it's nothing compared to working for yourself.


Again, I agree completely with you, I don't think working for myself would stress me out, what did stress me out in the job I left was that I was always waiting around for other people - above me - to do their part and they weren't doing their jobs. That's bad business running anyway but still, I haven't got it in me to have my own company! To be a manager yes, but run my own company, nope! Full credit to ya' :)

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ive just quit a job due to bad management making its a miserable place to work, ive been waiting nearly 4 weeks for some holiday pay and apparently its not been paid as my boss cant work it out on her own cos its complicated and doesnt want to do it on her own but the accountant only comes in once a week!

then theres the lack of communication with them things get changed i dont get told then im shouted at because i did it wrong then theres the phoning me up on my day off or them texting me to ring in cos its urgent then telling me off down the phone!


i became depressed and fed up in this job and hated going in eventually so i quit aND got another which i feel i will be happier in as im the manager now :D

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ive just quit a job due to bad management making its a miserable place to work, ive been waiting nearly 4 weeks for some holiday pay and apparently its not been paid as my boss cant work it out on her own cos its complicated and doesnt want to do it on her own but the accountant only comes in once a week!

then theres the lack of communication with them things get changed i dont get told then im shouted at because i did it wrong then theres the phoning me up on my day off or them texting me to ring in cos its urgent then telling me off down the phone!


i became depressed and fed up in this job and hated going in eventually so i quit aND got another which i feel i will be happier in as im the manager now :D


Funny that, sounds like where I worked!! I know EXACTLY how you feel except the not being paid part is £500 and was bonus' that I worked VERY hard for which he is now saying because I gave no notice (I never had to as I wasn't technically employed by him) that the company policies state he won't pay me them....ACAS here I come!

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Funny that, sounds like where I worked!! I know EXACTLY how you feel except the not being paid part is £500 and was bonus' that I worked VERY hard for which he is now saying because I gave no notice (I never had to as I wasn't technically employed by him) that the company policies state he won't pay me them....ACAS here I come!


only bonus we ever got was home time!! :hihi:

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I'd be a lot happier at work if I was allowed to get on and do the job, rather than have to embrace some ridiculous consultants' ideas about kaizen blitzing, takt time, whiteboards, sticklebricks and pacesetter.


When my ex-employer went down this route we had a fantastic time baiting the consultants, we even used their own techniques against them (deconstructive critical analysis of the time we have just wasted in pointless meetings and cost/ benefit ratios of employing a consultant.) In short, we developed a company ethos that Dilbert would have been proud of.


Even the receptionist got in on the act, she bought loads of little rubber ducks which we superglued in a row to the tops of our monitors. Someone placed a large cardboard box in the smoking room, anyone having a cigarette was encouraged to sit like this and by doing so we achieved two of the consultant's primary objectives.


The feedback finally got back to the MD and he utilised 'dynamic down-sizing' on the BS merchants consultants, I guess the final straw was discovering one of them crying in the car park having just pulled all his hair out. :D

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