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PETROL: All time high

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Maybe the protests should turn violent like the student ones, I wonder what the motorists that condemned the student riots would think when it was their cause someone was fighting for :hihi:


lol, if there were more protests that turn violent, you may see heavier tactics from the police and goverment......


To be honest, protests are a thing of the past and have been proven to not work in most cases (i say most in relation to the poll tax). There are going to have to be new ways to put your point across....just look at the cyber war over wiki leaks.....its actually quite clever.

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Electric cars are out and about now, only trouble is so far you have to re-charge the battery again if you need to go get the loaf of bread you forgot to buy :roll:


Nice thought "poppins", but they still have to be charged with electric sourced from a power station and how long before the green brigade start protesting about emissions from the power source? and..when they start to get popular the price of electric will soar just as it did when diesel became popular,when i first bought a diesel powered vehicle, diesel was 50p a gallon LESS than petrol.



Not always. Get one of these and drive and drive and drive.

It is the future. [/Quote] Bet it's only available in the states tho',i have just sold my diesel saloon and bought a civic hybrid,better on fuel but the big saving is £10 a year road tax....£200 a year cheaper..and its a lovely car too

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Once petrol breached the "unthinkable" £1 per ltr mark 10 years ago, or whenever it was, and after all the protests eased off, that was it, the spell was broken then, petrol prices were only going to go in one direction from then on....up

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Ummm i wonder if they will work like the last fuel protests.......


I'm sure i read somewhere that they included a clause as part of the new anti-terror laws that blackading refineries and such would be treated as terrorist activity.

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I'm sure i read somewhere that they included a clause as part of the new anti-terror laws that blackading refineries and such would be treated as terrorist activity.

Not too sure about 'terrorist activity' but 'blackading' could certainly be construed as racist! :D

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Given that it costs about £2 to get to town on a bus, and about 20p in a car, even £2 a litre will not persuade most people to give up their warm, reliable, fast car in favour of a cold, noisy, unreliable, slow, late bus that doesnt go that close to where they want to be.


Making all transport unaffordable does not encourage people to make the correct moral decision. The only thing that will change that is making public transport affordable. How could we do that now, I wonder.....

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