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Would women make a better world

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would women make a better world, if the roles of women were as of men today, would there be less wars would we have more love than war.would woman make sure that all nations have no hungry or starving people. would the millionare mp s look after people sleeping rough on london streets. i know its a bit deep and hypothetical. personally, i think they would have more compassion


*Ahem*... Mrs Thatcher?


How about Indira Gandhi and her policy of forced sterilizations? Or her abolition of constitutional rights? The imprisonment of political opponents?


How about Catherine the Great? She started wars against the Ottoman Empire and Sweden and invaded Lithuania.


Or Queen Mary ("Bloody Mary") and her charming habit of having religious dissenters burned at the stake.


I think the answer to all your questions is....no.

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Women running the world?

Men running the world?


Don't make me laugh!


In our house, we each do the bits we're best at doing.


It works.


We're wealthy, well-fed and comfortable.


And have been for many years.


Let me know when you've decided 'who does what' in your house.

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Nature gave men and women certain qualities to achieve our roles in society, some people seem hell bent on changing some of those roles, I'm not sure mankind is really up to that challenge to be honest !

random question

Who can name 10 'famous' female inventors ?

Ok then, I'll settle for anyone naming 3 (without google) :hihi:

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Nature gave men and women certain qualities to achieve our roles in society, some people seem hell bent on changing some of those roles, I'm not sure mankind is really up to that challenge to be honest !

random question

Who can name 10 'famous' female inventors ?

Ok then, I'll settle for anyone naming 3 (without google) :hihi:

Nigella Lawson = Sexy cookery

Carol Vordemann = Sexy Maths

Bettany Hughes = Sexy history




I like to see these threads where all the hidden superiority complexes, misogyny and sexism are allowed to reveal themselves, keep it going.


See above.:P

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A woman invented windscreen wipers, sewing machines, Kevlar, and COBOL, maybe even vacuum cleaners. Not the same woman though ;) I guess we don't know their names because they tend not to be publicised as much. Probably because as men we prefer to be looked at as the inventors of everything. :D


Leaving out the COBOL, I notice they tend to invent things associated with the home. This could be because until fairly recently they were limited to it? And they got overlooked because manufacturers tended not to take women inventors seriously, so they handed the development/sale over to us blokes?

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