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Would women make a better world

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I think we have wasted too much time trying to be viewed equally talented in all aspects of life. Women can't accept that men are better at some things than women and vise versa...
Everyone has different talents, as you say. It's strange how we can accept that people in the arts can be equally talented whatever their gender, but not in other areas of life.


It's often more to do with money and respect, the 'male' occupations generally pay more and attract more kudos. Whenever men decide to participate in traditionally 'female' occupations, the remuneration tends to go up, in nursing for example. Some men are good at cooking and want to work in kitchens and some men like looking after people and want to be nurses. Some women are good at making money and running things, from families to companies. The problems arise when we try to make gender and occupation mutually exclusive spheres.


I can easily accept that men are much better at working in coal mines and down sewers, because someone has to do it, and it's never going to be me!

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Everyone has different talents, as you say. It's strange how we can accept that people in the arts can be equally talented whatever their gender, but not in other areas of life.


It's often more to do with money and respect, the 'male' occupations generally pay more and attract more kudos. Whenever men decide to participate in traditionally 'female' occupations, the remuneration tends to go up, in nursing for example. Some men are good at cooking and want to work in kitchens and some men like looking after people and want to be nurses. Some women are good at making money and running things, from families to companies. The problems arise when we try to make gender and occupation mutually exclusive spheres.


I can easily accept that men are much better at working in coal mines and down sewers, because someone has to do it, and it's never going to be me!

Hey up Ruby.


How'd you manage to type all that whilst doing the ironing?:confused::P

I'm dead now, aren't I??:(

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yes they would its whats sadly lacking in todays world femininity,I just saw a film the other night about hypatia the greek female mathematician who was credited with discovering the earths rotation..set in alexandria 390AD the time of the destruction of the great library of alexandria by the christians .a turning point in history when the influences of the greek philosphers and scientists waned and the masculist women hating christians came to power .I think it would have been a lot more balanced world if they'd have fed all the christians to the lions instead of burning all the inteligent women at the stake.

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would women make a better world, if the roles of women were as of men today, would there be less wars would we have more love than war.would woman make sure that all nations have no hungry or starving people. would the millionare mp s look after people sleeping rough on london streets. i know its a bit deep and hypothetical. personally, i think they would have more compassion when you think what women cotribute loving mothers nobody like your mum. loving wives lets face it cleaning shoppig loving washing as a man i honestley tink woman are a superior sex and so would be better at ruling our planet.


No, it would take them years to do anything. They can't even pay the busfair without taking 5 minutes.

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Everyone has different talents, as you say. It's strange how we can accept that people in the arts can be equally talented whatever their gender, but not in other areas of life.


It's often more to do with money and respect, the 'male' occupations generally pay more and attract more kudos. Whenever men decide to participate in traditionally 'female' occupations, the remuneration tends to go up, in nursing for example. Some men are good at cooking and want to work in kitchens and some men like looking after people and want to be nurses. Some women are good at making money and running things, from families to companies. The problems arise when we try to make gender and occupation mutually exclusive spheres.


When brute strength was a major necessity for survival, men had the upper hand. Nowadays, some of us (not all :() have moved on, and intelligence and ability count for just as much in many walks of life.


However, I agree that many traditional female skills aren't valued in the same way as male skills. Thats why 'carers' are often paid at minimum wage level, even though the soft skills needed to do the job well are beyond a lot of people.


I think we should all endeavour to be what we want to be, regardless of our gender.

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When brute strength was a major necessity for survival, men had the upper hand. Nowadays, some of us (not all :() have moved on, and intelligence and ability count for just as much in many walks of life. [...cut ...] I think we should all endeavour to be what we want to be, regardless of our gender.
I agree with you on all points. Naturally! :)


I think that the majority of woman have moved on, we're just waiting for the boys to catch up. I don't blame them for fighting a rearguard action, they have the most to lose after all. But they'll get there in the end. We put up with them anyway, in spite of all their foibles and funny habits, for a couple of very good reasons ;)


I'd like them even more if one of these wonderful inventors they keep bragging about would devise a household robot that actually worked.

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