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WWII memories wanted


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Hi all, after all the stories i got together to write a book about Sheffield, during and after WWII, unfortunately my laptop, digital voice recorder were all stolen during a recent break in and I lost everything.


I would still love to write a book about people's lifes in Sheffield during that time


Childrens games

Managing on Rations

Happy/Sad Blitz memories

Romance - what you did on dates


I decided to write this book because growing up I used to love to sit and listen to the stories my grandparents told me, and thought that these stories should be shared with everyone


So if you have memories yourself, or family handed down stories, please get in touch I would love to hear from you

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The story goes that when the siren's went my Gran and Granddad where in bed, they jumped out and chuck on some clothes and ran for the shelter.

Half way there my Gran turned round to go back into the house, "What you doing" my granddad said "I've forgotten my teeth" she said.

"Bugger that" my Granddad said "their dropping bombs not fish and chips"...

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