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Will todays 30 somethings be the most hated generation in years to come?

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there is nothing wrong with a debt based money system, and without one its hard to see how the economy would flourish.


the current problem is due to governments, companies and individuals borrowing excessively.


its people who failed, not the system.


Don't be daft.


There are multiple ways the economy could flourish without debt, just open you mind a little.


Besides, having it flourish because of debt is not really a good thing anyway. the debt has to be repaid.

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Don't be daft.


There are multiple ways the economy could flourish without debt, just open you mind a little.




Besides, having it flourish because of debt is not really a good thing anyway. the debt has to be repaid.


Excessive debt isn't a good thing, but a sensible amount of debt which can be serviced even in the event of a personal problem can be quite useful.

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A currency backed by a commodity be it gold, silver, beer etc.




Excessive debt isn't a good thing, but a sensible amount of debt which can be serviced even in the event of a personal problem can be quite useful.


Only problem is, the whole money supply is currently based upon debt, so we can't say what would be excessive.

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A currency backed by a commodity be it gold, silver, beer etc.


would that really help?


a return to the gold standard would most likely collapse the world economy, attempting to use any other commodity would probably do the same


Only problem is, the whole money supply is currently based upon debt, so we can't say what would be excessive.


its excessive when a substantial part of your income is needed to service it.

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Don't be daft.


There are multiple ways the economy could flourish without debt, just open you mind a little.



In four thousand years, nobody has ever managed to create one. European economies stagnated for centuries, for no other reason than that moneylending was virtually outlawed.

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In four thousand years, nobody has ever managed to create one. European economies stagnated for centuries, for no other reason than that moneylending was virtually outlawed.


We have the ability to assign everyone a number electronically and issue payment of a negative tax.

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We're heading for huge problems, that's for sure. But why should people hate just 30-somethings?


I'm sure plenty of people hate 16-20 somethings at the moment because of the perceived feeling of 'you've not contributed anything, yet you're rioting to demand your 'rights' (or have drifted through 'education' having learned nothing apart from how to disrupt classes and will never work).


Plenty of people aged much older than the 30-somethings seem to think that the world should bow down before them, yet have often done very little to deserve that respect.


People coming up to, or already retired, will find things getting increasingly hard because of increasing inflation, inevitable and continuing hikes in energy prices because of the pig-headed refusal to invest in nuclear power and build windmills instead. Yet another example is the decision from next year to abolish trusts where it will become impossible for parents to pass some money onto their kids (When I say 'trusts', don't think of the wealthy. They will always get away with it.)


And this continuing assault on people who just want to work, save a bit and pay their way will become untenable. If you follow this path you'll see over half of your pay will have vanished before you even see it. If you lose your job and have modest savings, you'll get nothing.


This is a slow creep against the populace. Next month, VAT goes up to 20% without a murmur. It first came in at just 5% and only on 'luxury goods'. People get next to nothing interest if they're (un)wise enough to save. More and more people are having to sell their homes to fund their care as they get old.


And how do 'they' get away with it? By constantly parroting that 'people are living longer'. I believe this is a myth. Sure, people are living longer at the moment, but these are the last of the WW2 generation. People who got exercise and ate sensibly. Are we really to believe that the current binge-drinking, obese people will live longer than generations before them?


So, with fewer and fewer jobs available, politicians have decided to invite millions of immigrants and their dependants into the country. Were we consulted on this?


Similarly, the vastly-burgeoning EU will demand more and more from us to prop up failed countries who should never have been allowed to join in the first place (I include the UK). Again, have we ever had a say in this (apart from in the '70's when the 'Common Market was entirely different to today's New Roman Empire)?


So to answer the original point, we will probably continue to hate certain sections of society. It's called 'divide and conquer'.


I can't think of a single problem we face or have faced, including wars, that hasn't been created by the politicians.


It's them we should hate.


Spot on!


I urge all working people to stick together, (including those who might consider themselves well off - they have the most to lose financially.)

Watch the politicians like a hawk, and educate yourself in the art of spin and media manipulation before it's too late.


Sadly, the student riots are only the start.

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