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Lets be thankful for what we do have

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Is the concept really 'out of date' ? - I hope not.


Should society collapse and have to re-form (not perhaps imminent) then I would like to join a group headed by somebody like the OP.


If we had people with the attitude of the OP running society, would that be an improvement?


How do we find them and how do we give them the job?

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Thats ok for you to say, I've got Obama on this end to worry about :hihi:


For how long?


He was the first Black (actually, he's half White) President.


He must've been aware when he got the job that if he did a good job, he would be popular, but if he did a poor job then nobody would elect another like him for many years.


That's a heavy load to bear ... but it was there when he got the job. He took the job. Walked into it with his eyes open.


I'm glad we don't have presidents.

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The reason i ask this is because as usual im skint and earlier i was thinking how crap is this im always skint blah blah but then i thought hang on yes im skint but ive got a nice flat a girl friend i adore and a job i absolutely love i generally cant wait to go to work in morning i love it that much i actually get excited about going so it made me think whats more important money or happyness and to me its hand down happyness so i just ask that for once instead of thinking how bad is my life we think how good it is.


Lovely post. You're rich indeed.


It used to be called 'counting your blessings' but seems to have gone out of fashion of late, which is a great pity.


I still try to find at least 5 things to be grateful for, every night, even after a rotton day. It's remarkable how it changes your outlook on life. I thoroughly recommend it.

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Money doesn't make you happy, it just makes being miserable more easy to deal with.


You are so right. Some people I know that have money are right miserable sods and only interested in counting their money and making even more of it

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The reason i ask this is because as usual im skint and earlier i was thinking how crap is this im always skint blah blah but then i thought hang on yes im skint but ive got a nice flat a girl friend i adore and a job i absolutely love i generally cant wait to go to work in morning i love it that much i actually get excited about going so it made me think whats more important money or happyness and to me its hand down happyness so i just ask that for once instead of thinking how bad is my life we think how good it is.


I'm glad to have been born in this era; imagine being out in the wild, huddling together in the dark, afraid of being eaten, like our early ancestors.


I know that's a bit extreme, but it puts a bit of perspective on things.

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