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Parking etiquette

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1) Would you park outside someone else's house in the space they have cleared of snow and ice rather than clear the road outside yours?


No. The GF's is on a steep(ish) hill and is never gritted. There is also (very) limited parking space. Though some of her neighbours had cleared spaces during the snow, I always parked on another road. Not once did I think "Hmmmm. That clear spot looks nice". Seems common courtesy is dead:(.


2) Given his attitude very bad attitude what would you do ?


Clear a patch for his car, but put all the moved snow onto/into his property/garden.


if you want to be a bit of an arse you could always not move your car next time he asks you to


Or tell him you'll do it, but one last time and that is in his own interests to clear a space for himself as it is being caused by his own inactions.




Doesn't leave much time for snow clearing does it?


Quite. Simply not enough time to spend ten minutes clearing a couple of metres of snow (and it sounds lke it would be a couple of metres as all the other people on the street have cleared the rest):rolleyes:.


I think the OP was writing more about neighbourliness (lack of) than just parking. Sometimes our neighbour parks outside our house, they have two cars. So we park up the road a bit, its not a problem. But no one on our road would have knowingly parked where someone else had cleared the snow. Its nothing to do with the law, or whose road it is, its just about consideration for one's neighbours in small ways.


What is wrong with people who don't/can't/won't see the selfishness of their actions? Those of us who are considerate and sometimes even put others first :o, are quickly being outnumbered by the 'me first' brigade. Sad really, life is so much more pleasant when we give others a thought.



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