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Should Terry Jones be banned from the UK

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Mark - here are some qoutes from the EDL message boards, about the firebombing of aBerlin mosque. Look what nice friends you have...what was it you said? 'Not extremist'? Yeah right. You're being played for a fool.


'' "Berlin mosque bombed"


(sigh)........never mind, eh?''



''burn them all for me to the ground with them in it''


''A taste of things to come methinks. No <REMOVED> Surrender Ever.''



''This is really sad news.


How did that fire go out so quickly?''


''i didnt know it was racist to set fire to a mosque. when will people learn the true meaning of the word racism?!?!?! ''

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He shouldn't be banned, in fact we shouldn't even be mentioning him. He is no one, stop giving him the time of day.


He is just a slightly mental pastor at a tiny church in the back end of nowhere. Ignore him and he won't even come. He has only been invited to annoy people. If you ignore him no one will care and there will be no reason for him to visit!

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Poor naive Mark! In no way affiliated...they're all strongly historically and ideologically linked.


In lending your support to scum like EDL you're lending support to scummers every bit as twisted and evil as any Islamist bomber. You're giving your support to people who rejoiced at the Soho pub bombings. Don't believe me? Try asking your EDL scumpals what they think of gays. IF you dare.

Good to hear a nice, unbiased, level-headed contribution free of insults and pettiness, at any rate :roll:
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Incite violence why by threatening to burn the Quran big deal, you see these Muslim Extremeists don't like a taste of there own medicine do they.

So it's ok to burn books and flags and stuff? Like, we all do it now huh?




If anyone wants to bring round bibles, korans, torahs and flags of all and any persuasion we can have a big bonfire, and gather round it, celebrating the death of religion and nationalism - frequent bedfellows and enemies of the human race.

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EDL are an unsavoury bunch:



But as they invite a Koran-burning American pastor to speak at a British rally, the English Defence League have a truly chilling background they'd rather you didn't know about . . .


There is something wrong with what they have put there though, Terry Jones never did burn the Korans.

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EDL are an unsavoury bunch:





There is something wrong with what they have put there though, Terry Jones never did burn the Korans.


More disturbing is the following:


the EDL believes the BNP doesn’t go far enough
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