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Should Terry Jones be banned from the UK

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Why wasn't this the case with Zakir Naik? I will say it again everyone kicked off about Naik coming here yet with this pastor some are saying he shouldn't be banned from coming etc etc.

The word hypocrites springs to mind.

wasnt he on some terrorist alert list :huh: and that was the reason he wasnt allowed here ? terry jones on the other hand is not on any such list so not classed as a threat to national security . can you not see the difference :suspect:
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wasnt he on some terrorist alert list :huh: and that was the reason he wasnt allowed here ? terry jones on the other hand is not on any such list so not classed as a threat to national security . can you not see the difference :suspect:

i think coming here and spouting his inflammatory religious hatred could be a threat to national security terrorist or not terrorist

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wasnt he on some terrorist alert list :huh: and that was the reason he wasnt allowed here ? terry jones on the other hand is not on any such list so not classed as a threat to national security . can you not see the difference :suspect:


The home secretary can ban any foreigner if they feel they are considered to be engaging in unacceptable behaviour. They don't have to be a terrorist watch list or indeed pose a terrorist threat.


They can appeal the ban to the immigration tribunal - Geert Wilders did and won.

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This is some guy that said he was going to burn some fictional books like Harry Potter or Lord of the Rings or something. Apparently it offended the fans of whatever book it was. But then he didn't actually burn any books. Should he be barred from entering the UK for it?


hes been banned because he wanted to attend an EDL rally in Luton. I do not perticularly want civil war on the streets of Britain don't know about you?

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wasnt he on some terrorist alert list :huh: and that was the reason he wasnt allowed here ? terry jones on the other hand is not on any such list so not classed as a threat to national security . can you not see the difference :suspect:


As far as I remember he is not on any list, the issue was regarding some comments he made in the past, same way as the pastor.

Now can you see that really there is no difference apart from one is a muslim and one is a non muslim. :suspect:

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I have already given you the example of Zakir Naik, there are others too like Yusuf al-Qaradawi.


Isn't al Qaradawi the guy who advocates killing pregnant Israeli women and their unborn babies?


called a 'sheik of death' in a petition to the UN signed by over 2,500 muslim intellectuals from 23 countries?


that guy?

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A minority of your Muslims are doing that to themselves already. Suicide bombs in Stockholm partly due to a cartoonists drawing of Mohammed being the latest


Dont these people understand that by reacting so violently as they do that they are earning the hatred and loathing of people in these countries who are accustomed to living in democracies and worse still bringing disrepute down on to the heads of law abiding Muslims because it's the minority that always manages to damage the majority by their actions in the end.



"Disrepute down on the heads" by who? Those intolerant enough to know that you don't blame an innocent for the actions of the guilty? Unless of course you're a racist bigot and such tolerance is an anathema to you. If one of my children breaks the law I'll be sure to equally blame my other child for the same offence, just because they are somehow connected. On second thoughts no I won't..it's just not how I'm made. Btw..In my view this applies to anyone of any faith or any colour...not just Muslims/Christians blah blah.


If you can point at an innocent for the action of the guilty you really have to ask yourself...who's the harbinger of disrepute?

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