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Should Terry Jones be banned from the UK

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"Disrepute down on the heads" by who? Those intolerant enough to know that you don't blame an innocent for the actions of the guilty? Unless of course you're a racist bigot and such tolerance is an anathema to you. If one of my children breaks the law I'll be sure to equally blame my other child for the same offence, just because they are somehow connected. On second thoughts no I won't..it's just not how I'm made. Btw..In my view this applies to anyone of any faith or any colour...not just Muslims/Christians blah blah.


If you can point at an innocent for the action of the guilty you really have to ask yourself...who's the harbinger of disrepute?



Didnt Hitler manage to persuade probably around 90 percent of Germans that the Jews were responsible for all the ills of post WW1 Germany Dont a great many people believe that all Gypsys are thieves


Just a couple of examples of how people are easily led to stereotype based on what are the actions of a very few. It's always been part of human nature

and those who harbour such prejudices or are brainwashed into believing tham are not necessarily bigots by nature either

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Didnt Hitler manage to persuade probably around 90 percent of Germans that the Jews were responsible for all the ills of post WW1 Germany Dont a great many people believe that all Gypsys are thieves


Just a couple of examples of how people are easily led to stereotype based on what are the actions of a very few. It's always been part of human nature

and those who harbour such prejudices or are brainwashed into believing tham are not necessarily bigots by nature either


That's a cop out Harley if ever there was one. Hitler persuaded no one..he just planted an idea, and because of underlying bigotry and fear they listened and acted on it...no different to Pol Pot, Stalin or any other self obsessed psychopath.


Might be a good idea to start out by not using the likes of Hitler and his dreams as an excuse for our own personal weakness. It's usually the same with these discussions...it was Hitler's fault, it was Bushes fault, it was......!

It's always someone else's fault for our deep underlying hate that's ready to manifest itself. Of course that only happens as long as your neighbour shows the same trait as you just to make you feel a lil better about yourself.


Most people are bigots as they are racists, it's just that it's hard work to show it in a society that veils itself in tolerance, because tolerance at the moment makes sense, but cut a hole into the thin veil of stability and people tend to show their trueness. You're right though..their's always an idiot who prefers others to do the thinking for them and will follow to the ends of the Earth as long as they have someone to hold their hand. Maybe that's the Human nature your talking about.


The old saying: JUMP!! how high boss?



As for Jones...whatever he has to say he can say it just as well in the US. We have enough religious fruitcakes over here as it is.



Reconsidered. If we let him in can we kick Mc Kentucky out?

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Exactly. Let him in and let the intelligent humiliate him.


Bar him and you only turn him into a martyr and further the cause.


yup, the problem is the feckin media. If instead of calling for him to be arrested after his "speech" or whatever they mercilessly took the pee, Im sure he would go home with his tail between his legs. I have faith that the majority of the population think he is a tool and the rest have already decided what to think so his views are irrelevant either way.


He is just a crackpot from middle america.


In related news has anyone seen four lions?:hihi:

I didn't know it was set in sheffield before I watched it.


I think instead of banning him we should make it a condition of his visit that he has to be interviewed by louis theroux:hihi: and perhaps a queue of comediens

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i think coming here and spouting his inflammatory religious hatred could be a threat to national security terrorist or not terrorist




we have muslims already in the UK doing this and where giving them cash off our system, so why not balance the books up and get somebody knocking islam for a change

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yup, the problem is the feckin media. If instead of calling for him to be arrested after his "speech" or whatever they mercilessly took the pee, Im sure he would go home with his tail between his legs. I have faith that the majority of the population think he is a tool and the rest have already decided what to think so his views are irrelevant either way.


He is just a crackpot from middle america.


In related news has anyone seen four lions?:hihi:

I didn't know it was set in sheffield before I watched it.


I think instead of banning him we should make it a condition of his visit that he has to be interviewed by louis theroux:hihi: and perhaps a queue of comediens


and we have crack pots from the middle east doing it here already


so what';s you point??

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