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Should Terry Jones be banned from the UK

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A minority of your Muslims are doing that to themselves already. Suicide bombs in Stockholm partly due to a cartoonists drawing of Mohammed being the latest


Dont these people understand that by reacting so violently as they do that they are earning the hatred and loathing of people in these countries who are accustomed to living in democracies and worse still bringing disrepute down on to the heads of law abiding Muslims because it's the minority that always manages to damage the majority by their actions in the end.


I appreciate with our American friends the world outside apple pie land is geographically complicated but Stockholm isn't in the UK.


Yes there are issues with islamic extremists in europe. We know that. Will they be resolved by some halfwit who doesn't even understand the principle way muslims are allowed to dispose of a koran is by burning it coming over here? Oddly i doubt it.

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This is some guy that said he was going to burn some fictional books like Harry Potter or Lord of the Rings or something. Apparently it offended the fans of whatever book it was. But then he didn't actually burn any books. Should he be barred from entering the UK for it?


Source please.

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