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Should Terry Jones be banned from the UK

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Your just one of many ill-informed an arrogant people on this forum it seems you know nothing about the EDL so i suggest you keep your pathetic comments to yourself.


I am a proud supporter of the English Defence League because they are fighting back against these extremeist scumbags who think it's right to burn our flags & effigys of our prime minister not to mention the placards of death to all those who insult Islam.


Islamic extremeists have no place in our country if they don't like it they can take the first plane out of here.


Er..... I do, actually. Thanks for the compliment anyway mwah :D


If you are that deluded in thinking that the EDL support Britain then you are clearly wrong. They do not care about the people of this country or support them. There is nothing British about the EDL at all :gag: They incite hatred & violence. This gives them an opportunity to vent this at their demo's which has been well documented. They have links to the BNP & other facists groups. They are no better than other extremist groups. This is not what Britain stands for.

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I think sccsux is also taking your OP as it is stated both in the OP and as quoted and highlighted in their post, see how your stupid sarcasm just looks childish!








I just love how cocky you are and are too scared to answer any real questions put to you.




You think your clever, you just look childish and worse than any politician who avoids questions, hence why I call you a hypocrite!


Just to clarify for you, Terry Jones threatened to burn a (fiction) book. Then he didn't. You seem to be getting a bit stroppy, sorry if you're upset, calm down a little. :)

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Please quote where I have said I support suicide bombers. Prove it, or stop with the same crap. And keep it to the thread in question.


I said earlier why I couldn't quote it... Because the thread got removed!


Personally I think you only started this thread to get some agro going, you want people to say he should be allowed so that you can then support outlandish extreme Muslim clerics too. Hence your sarcastic OP. Then when taken seriously you used insults!

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What aload of rubbish laws against Racial Hatred when was the last time Theresa May came out and spoke up against these extremeist scumbags who burned our poppys burned our flags burned effigys & held up placards inciting racial hatred & called for death to non muslims and all those that insult Islam.


Oh yes that's right not once has she came out and spoke up against these scumbags because she hasn't got the bottle to come out & condemn them because she is scared of upsetting the muslims.


I was talking about the laws regarding inciting religious hatred, not racial hatred, there is a difference. Terry Jones has form in this area, let him come and his ass will be thrown into jail when he spits out his bile. Maybe he should respect this countries laws?


You don't have to speak out against every thing that are wrong in this world, it is accepted that it is wrong. This isn't a hard concept to grasp, or do you expect our politicians to make statements about everything that they find disgusting?


You should be careful for what you wish for then because lots of people also find the EDL's action disgraceful as well.

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I appreciate with our American friends the world outside apple pie land is geographically complicated but Stockholm isn't in the UK.


Yes there are issues with islamic extremists in europe. We know that. Will they be resolved by some halfwit who doesn't even understand the principle way muslims are allowed to dispose of a koran is by burning it coming over here? Oddly i doubt it.


More than the danger from terrorism is the danger of the erosion of free speech. Let the obnoxious spout their views and let them do it without being threatened with death by equally obnoxious religious zealots.

Censoring any kind of views religious or political is unhealthy. People got burned for that in the middle ages.

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I said earlier why I couldn't quote it... Because the thread got removed!


Personally I think you only started this thread to get some agro going, you want people to say he should be allowed so that you can then support outlandish extreme Muslim clerics too. Hence your sarcastic OP. Then when taken seriously you used insults!


My bold - you're entitled to your opinion. I think you'll find most news outlets running with the story tonight and tomorrow, hence is a workable topic of discussion, what the forum is for.


As for the rest of your fanciful rant, we're not all as duplicitous as you, so I'd be thankful if you didn't judge me by your standard please. :)

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More than the danger from terrorism is the danger of the erosion of free speech. Let the obnoxious spout their views and let them do it without being threatened with death by equally obnoxious religious zealots.


And let them do it knowing that they will be scrutinised by others and held to account in public.


That is the way to win an argument. Well said Harleyman.

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