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Summer Party this Thursday!


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To all surfers and swingers: this Thursday may be a work night but its also surf night, and now that snow has gone we can safely say IT'S SUMMER AGAIN!


The Local Pacific Surf Club is throwing a party to welcome the sun back into Sheffield and everyone's invited, so get back into your beach gear and celebrate with us:


/// Stacks of live surf and soul from The Local Pacific Surf Club, playing hits from The Ventures, The Beach Boys and more

/// Three rounds of intense and competitive limbo with prizes

/// Thunderous support from the SHEFFIELD SAMBA BAND

/// Frozen T-Shirt competition with prizes

/// Cocktails 2 for £6, branded shots £1, 3 bottles lager £5, house spirit and mixer £1.50 (£2.50 double)

/// DJ CHAD VASQUEZ and DJ MAX STAX playing the best in surf, doo wop and soul til 2am!


Hope to see you there!

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