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Nature and her tools solar, wind and the sea

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Ooops ... just seen this!

I think that atrophy and entrophy are both appropriate words.

I realise that uranium and other radioactive heavy metals are not exactly condusive to our health but the point is it comes from this planet and will stay on it in whatever form. I know this isn't exactly true but you know what I mean :)


In that sense you're perfectly right. The total amount of energy on the planet won't change no matter what we do in our nuclear reactors.


From a human point of view, changing weakly radioactive elements into strongly radioactive elements is a serious problem, though; but it may well be the only way of producing the energy we require in the short term. Disposing of the ensuing waste will just have to be dealt with.

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In that sense you're perfectly right. The total amount of energy on the planet won't change no matter what we do in our nuclear reactors.


From a human point of view, changing weakly radioactive elements into strongly radioactive elements is a serious problem, though; but it may well be the only way of producing the energy we require in the short term. Disposing of the ensuing waste will just have to be dealt with.

At the end of the day (Jeez ...I hate that phrase!), I really don't think the planet will really care if we exist or don't! It's still got all its parts! (rather simplified) :)

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I can see you've sent another post mr North but it's not come up on the SF screen.:o

I guess I've a similar sense of humour to George Carlin but you can see the sense! I can't do links unfortunately so you have the better of me! :D

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The wind is reduced behind a windfarm, the sea is calmer behind tidal barrages and it is generally a bit darker underneath solar panels and it has even been postulated that extracting heat from the ground in a significant way could cause local cooling of the ground. The real issue from mankind's point of view is whether these effects are significant in terms of our survival.

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Quick, stand still!


I'd ask is it the best way for us to harness energy?

Then I'd decide what best meant, in many different ways.


P.S. Are you on about the butterfly effect?

P.P.S. "To every action..." is a law of motion!


Yes I do believe in the butterfly effect, we use batteries and when we have used the stored energy we replace or recharge. Energy we use requires replacement, so we take energy from the wind, Sun and water what are we putting back. The answer is nothing we take all the time and then wonder why nature is up the shoot people will call it global warming I think it is more of a case we take and give nothing back.


It is time we used energy more efficient all of us that includes domestic and business users we can all help to do this.

Let nature do what it has always done, don't interfere with it, how the hell our parents survived without central heating, fridges, microwaves and dishwashers the answer is they did. Use less energy

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