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Why do people on here block phones !!

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im gettin rather annoyed at not bein able to trust ppl on ere especially with phones !!


what do the sellfish cold hearted people gain ?



yh a new phone wooopididooo !!


they should make it more safe on here . so that people know what there buying !!


im just annoyed by it id never block a phone that person may have bought it for there child for there child to be really gutted wen they noticed its blocked !!





Well to be honest Ive just bought one off the forum brand new in the box. I have kept a copy of the advert, his address, his reply to my e.mail. And if it gets blocked, im straight back to his house for a refund, or all details on on this transaction will be passed to the Police and Virgin for them to take action against him for fraud.

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Well to be honest Ive just bought one off the forum brand new in the box. I have kept a copy of the advert, his address, his reply to my e.mail. And if it gets blocked, im straight back to his house for a refund, or all details on on this transaction will be passed to the Police and Virgin for them to take action against him for fraud.


I wouldn't think for one minute that someone operating this scam would work from their home address. I would imagine they would want to meet at a venue in town. And anyone buying in such circumstances really is contributing to their own downfall.

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