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Migrants on dole are 'true heroes' says harriet harman.

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She has really let the cat out of the bag here; This type of thing fuels the EDL/BNP's fire, and it confirms everything that the rest of us suspected anyway, that certain individuals in the upper echelon of the Labour party's main concern are foreign, mainly ethnic minorities, rather than the people of this country.



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I thought benefits were to help low income people in this country with the cost of living, for life's essentials. If they can afford tolive without it and send it home, they don't need it. Ms Harman has a funny sense of what heroes are. But then this was always the Labour project.

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There is surely no debate or arguing to be had about this, it is very plain and clear what she said and where she and her party stands; this is impossible for the Labourites to deny or defend.


The problem is, it was reported in the Daily Star.


Let's wait until the story appears in a newspaper, not a comic.



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You couldn't make it up.


Well if this is what politics has come down to, a party that would privatize their mothers if it kept the rich richer, a party that will promise you what you want to hear and then do the biggest about turn in politics to share power and a party that is happy to flood the country with migrants in some sort of huge multicultural experiment and who are happy that they syphon off our taxes to better the lives of those who don't even live here.


What does that leave us ? :huh:

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