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Good news from the Government

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They have announced 800 million for the short breaks for carers of disabled children,after vigorous campaigning , often by parents and carers of those children with disabilities.

A worthy cause and I am so pleased that this money has been put in place for some of the most vulnerable in our society.

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EDCM Supporter Newsletter

December 2010


Dear Jayne


Following extensive lobbying by EDCM supporters, we are delighted to announce the Government has committed £800million for short breaks to be spread over the next 4 years. EDCM would like to say a massive thank you to everyone who has taken our supporter actions asking the Government for funding commitments for disabled children's services. This continued pressure has resulted in the highest ever investment in short breaks for disabled children. You can read our news story for more details.


The funding was announced on 13 December as part of the Early Intervention Grant (EIG) by Michael Gove, Secretary of State for Education. Further details of the EIG and the short breaks investment are below.


Early Intervention Grant (EIG)


The EIG was created to provide local authorities with funding for key services for children, young people and families, such as short breaks for disabled children. It replaces a number of previous funding streams including Aiming High for Disabled Children. Yesterday, Michael Gove wrote to all local authorities telling them how much money they would be given as part of the EIG.


Unfortunately, the funding is not ring-fenced. This means local authorities do not have to spend the money on services for disabled children. However, Michael Gove has said that there are priority areas that the money should be spent on. These areas are:

Maintaining existing Sure Start Children's Centres.

Extending free early education for disadvantaged two year olds from 2013).

Short breaks for disabled children.


Although these particular areas have been highlighted, the money will also fund many of the other services for children, young people and families such as supporting vulnerable people to engage in education and training, supporting young people at risk of mental health problems, and helping young people who have a learning difficulty or disability to participate and achieve. EIG will also be used by local authorities to deliver joined-up local services for families with complex needs who face the poorest outcomes and pose the greatest cost to local services.


What is EDCM going to do next?


Although this funding commitment sends a clear message to local authorities about the importance of services for disabled children and young people, the money for short breaks is not ring-fenced. Therefore, EDCM will be writing to local authorities in January asking how they plan to spend their funding allocation for short breaks.


There is more information about the EIG on the Department for Education's website.


Family Fund


The Government has also confirmed the Family Fund charity would receive "at least" £27 million of funding a year up to 2015, making a minimum of £108 million over four years.

Other EDCM News


Calling for Clarity - eligibility criteria for short breaks


EDCM's new report has revealed that many local authorities may not be meeting their legal obligations when determining which families are eligible for short breaks. The report raises concerns that 28 per cent of local authorities who provided public information on eligibility criteria may be at risk of legal challenge. Read more here.


Short Breaks Duty


In response to 'Calling for Clarity', on 19 November the Government asked Parliament to approve Regulations on Breaks for Carers of Disabled Children. This means from April 2011, local authorities will have a duty to prepare a statement for carers on what services will be available in local areas and what criteria they will be accessed by. Read more here.


Disability Living Allowance


On 30 November, a Parliamentary Debate took place on the Government's proposals to remove the mobility element of Disability Living Allowance (DLA) from disabled people who are in residential care for more than 28 days in a year (or for more than 84 days for disabled children). Kate Green MP for Stretford and Urmston, raised EDCM's concerns about the impact this might have on disabled children. Read more here.


Disabled children: A Legal Handbook


In our last e-bulletin, we told you about this new guide to the legal rights of disabled children and their families in England and Wales. The handbook can act as a key lever for campaigning and is now available to read online. It covers topics such as education, health, social care and housing.


The Family Fund provides financial assistance to low income families with disabled children. With winter already upon us, more families with disabled and seriously ill children are finding it hard to make ends meet. The Family Fund can help to take away some of those pressures. If you, or someone you know, has been thinking of applying to the Fund please do so as the time it takes to assess applications and respond to families has significantly reduced. For an application form or to apply online please click here.



Finally, we would like to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!


Best wishes


Laura, Helen and Lara

Campaign Team


Every Disabled Child Matters

Council for Disabled Children, NCB

8 Wakley Street

London, EC1V 7QE


Email: info@edcm.org.uk

Tel: 020 7843 6082




Every Disabled Child Matters is the campaign fighting for rights and justice for every disabled child. Please sign up to support the campaign now, and ask everyone you know to do the same.


You can donate to EDCM online.


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Registered Charity No. 258825. Registered in England and Wales No 952717. Registered office: National Children's Bureau, 8 Wakley Street, London, EC1V 7QE.

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With LAs like Sheffield facing an 8% cut in funding this non-ring fenced money seems pretty irrelevant to me. The fact of the matter is people with disabilities, the old, children and others using LA services are all going to find their services cut.

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