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Peer pressure to drink alcohol

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You must be easily pleased...


I really don't understand this statement.


Drinking alcohol is fun.....it gets you drunk. It's got nothing to do with being "easily pleased", it's personal choice.

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It seems like every week someone tells me I need to get drunk, that I will enjoy myself more.

I don't tell them not to drink, so why do they have to pressurise me to drink?



Honestly? If they either a. Don't know you're not interested or b. don't care and pressure you anyway, they don't sound like great friends.



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Don't know about everyone else. I do have a 'drink' now and again. But if I'm stone cold sober, and others around me are steaming drunk, and slurring their words and acting the goat, it annoys me intensely. I don't like the company of drunk people!

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Interesting how teenagers are often used as a scapegoat for binge drinking, when many older people I know are just as bad.


I turned 18 2 months ago, naturally I have begun to enjoy alcohol, but whenever I'm around peers I never feel any pressure to drink or get drunk. Maybe it's just my friends.

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I can take or leave alcohol. Sometimes I decide at the end of the night to have a couple of drinks, but I do like my first couple of drinks, at least, to be cold, fizzy and full of ice cubes!

Once went out with a work colleague and her very unpleasant mates (none of whom I knew) and had them mocking me saying that you could stop at home and drink Cola. Just told them that they could stop at home and drink alcohol. No new friendships were forged that night! Afterwards my colleague told me that they thought I was boring because I didn't drink. What? I was the only one having a good time on the karaoke whilst they were staggering about being obnoxious half way through the evening.

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This is an old thread, I'd forgotten about it.

Well, times change, and I now have more freedom to drink alcohol if I want to, but I'm still not that bothered. Theres a can of cider in my fridge that's been there for about 2 months :suspect:

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Why is there so much pressure to drink just to have a good time?

I am not teetotal, I will have a couple of drinks, but I'm just not bothered about getting drunk. Usually I drive home anyway so I don't drink.

I can have a good night out without being drunk, I enjoy spending time with my friends and talking with them, I don't need alcohol to do that.

It seems like every week someone tells me I need to get drunk, that I will enjoy myself more.

I don't tell them not to drink, so why do they have to pressurise me to drink?


Stick to your guns it shows strength of character;)

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This is an old thread, I'd forgotten about it.

Well, times change, and I now have more freedom to drink alcohol if I want to, but I'm still not that bothered. Theres a can of cider in my fridge that's been there for about 2 months :suspect:


I would not approach it without the required PPE, it may go off at any time. :hihi:

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