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The Railway Pub, Wadsley Bridge Re-opens


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we went in on xmas eve after the "do" we went to closed the bar at 5 past 11, and we couldnt have hoped for a better night, the pub was still quiet i suppose but the landlady was great fun, with her attitude she will give the pub a real change, its the same landlady from the sportsman at stannington, that was on its last legs and she compltley reversed that, i dont know if she will do it with the railway due to its location / size and competition but i thoroughly enjoyed my night there

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I went in for a pint, drunk it and went back to the bar for a re-fill. The land lady was only seving 1 person and I stood next to him. As she was at the till somebody else came to the bar and she turned round from the till and served him instead. I walked out and went across to the New Bridge Inn in disgust.


If she wants to retain customers she should serve people in turn! Fair enough if she was busy but it was obvious I was next.


Shan't go there again.


Aren't you jumping to conclusions a bit over one event? Everyone makes mistakes. Give it another go.

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Aren't you jumping to conclusions a bit over one event? Everyone makes mistakes. Give it another go.


Well I took it personally as it was hard not to realise I was next! I have always walked out of pubs when I get cheated out of my turn at the bar, have ever since I was old enough to drink. It's not only the staff I am annoyed at but the selfish customer who let's him/herself get served before their turn. I have in the past got barred for showing off and it's usually the cheat of a customer that gets the brunt of it. Getting too old now to be getting into fights so I leave. If I stay I am fuming so best go somewhere else. On a positive note I liked the pub and the beer which was cheap enough. Parking is easy and there's a bus stop virtually outside. Having 4 sections around the bar can give a bit of privacy if wanted. Hope it doesn't attract anoraks:hihi:


Might give it another go but not until the summer, I don't forgive that easy.


P.s, there was a telly on the night I went in but it wasn't loud. Would be nice to see some live music there. My local is the Gardeners Rest.

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Well I took it personally as it was hard not to realise I was next! I have always walked out of pubs when I get cheated out of my turn at the bar, have ever since I was old enough to drink. It's not only the staff I am annoyed at but the selfish customer who let's him/herself get served before their turn. I have in the past got barred for showing off and it's usually the cheat of a customer that gets the brunt of it. Getting too old now to be getting into fights so I leave. If I stay I am fuming so best go somewhere else. On a positive note I liked the pub and the beer which was cheap enough. Parking is easy and there's a bus stop virtually outside. Having 4 sections around the bar can give a bit of privacy if wanted. Hope it doesn't attract anoraks:hihi:


Might give it another go but not until the summer, I don't forgive that easy.


P.s, there was a telly on the night I went in but it wasn't loud. Would be nice to see some live music there. My local is the Gardeners Rest.


what i would say retired is wait til she has got the place how she likes it, ive seen what she can do to turn around pubs and although she hardly gets the best bands she always gets ones that are fun for a good age group.

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