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LOSE WEIGHT WITH PRIME MOVER Group personal training venue

big chief

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I take it you want results? If you are serious then come down to Primemover. Prime Mover is a new concept in fitness, a place that makes Personal Training affordable for everyone, that ensures clients get the utmost attention and where success is measured on clients’ results.The brainchild of Paul Glazby, a Personal Trainer for over 5 years, Prime Mover is set to redefine what people should expect from their fitness centre. After getting disillusioned with what is on offer to the general public i.e. Personal Training that few can afford or the awful level of commitment and ‘service’ that most Big Brand gyms provide for their members, he decided to create something new….…..Prime Mover is the result of this.


City centre branch opening in the new year.


I've lost half a stone in 4weeks and gained considerable muscle mass. You are coached through fitness, nutrition and primemover are with you every step of the way.


I have a 7day free pass for you to try before you buy, if you are interested pleaded pm me.


Website- http://prime-mover.co.uk/

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taken from the website "A months subscription to Prime Mover is £69 per month"

to me thats not "affordable for everyone"

personal training forgive me if i'm wrong is suposed to be very personal ie 1on1 specifiying the workout to suit the person paying

this however looks more like group fitness classes labled differntly

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The only way to lose wieght,AND keep it off is to do regular excersise,and eat responsibly.

You can pay for fancy pills,pay for fancy diets,join expensive clubs......and still pile on the pounds.

The ONLY proven life time guarenteed wieght loser,is the natural way,theres no such thing as a quick fix,healthy portions,healthy food,healthy excersise,healthy future.

Its that SIMPLE,and costs NOTHING!

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To be fair if you're getting a decent level of coaching and three classes a week, with nutritional advice etc. and personal help, I'd say it isn't a bad deal.


Sorry I disagree I mean no offence to the owner of prime mover but from looking at the vids on the website it looks like your operating fitness classes out of a cold industrial looking garage and charging £70 per month is far to expensive for a place with no mod cons.

Group personal training with up to 10 members in a 45min class means if you can make 3 sessions a week your paying £5.75 for just shy of 5mins of 1on1 attention,

If I had not seen the replys on here and the prices was not on the website I would of guessed around £25 per month


honest opinion

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  • 4 weeks later...

Can i start by saying thanks for your comments. Before Prime Mover I was paying £30 per hour for my personal trainer so only could afford 1 session per week. This works out at around £120 per month and i wasnt getting in shape or losing weight as the lack of motivation to train off my own back was more or less non existant. How many of you have joined a gym with great intentions, signed a contract, went for 1st month running like hell on a tredmill (which build endurance and actually doesnt burn that much fat at all) whilst sipping on an energy drink (full of carbs) then never went again but still paid as it meant i could say im a member of the gym and JUST incase i find my arse and I'm able to put it in gear then i may go again. The advise around nutrition from my previous PT was lets say brief and although widly thought of as accurate actually is tripe when some serious (guided) research and education is done. The group ethic and the 12 sessions per month (3 per week) have kept me totally committed with fantastic results, you build rapport with other members and help each other through sessions, thus working harder than normal and your are given the oppertunity to find that Extra bit you thought you could never do!. I am guessing that the majority of people are more than willing to go out on a saturday night (1 night people) and blow £70 on several pints, shots, kebab, possible STI infection and think nothing of it yet people wince at the thought of spending £5.75 per session to actually improve their health and see their kids grow up that little bit longer. I am not saying everyone is the same or will agree about this. If your a Pure Gym member and pay £12.99 a month and you go and it works then BOB ON! gold star for you. But some people dont wanna run on semi pointless tredmills and cue for machines that have a nano of the effect that high intensity workouts at Prime Mover have.


If anyone fancies just giving it a try for a week for NOWT and then make their mind up then contact me. Hope to hear from you.


Oh by the by, the centre is fully equipped with toilets & showers and yes as you may see its in a unit and doesnt look like a fitness first cus its not, its real training with a bunch of personal trainers where you will get clear results that last, and most of all its fun! There I said it, i actually enjoy working out now, never thought I'd say it! :)


Cheers guys


Scott :)


Oh can I also say that the peoples pictures on the site have lost even more now and are in even better shape as they come 3 times per week, train hard and feel GREAT.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Thanks for the promo Scott, shame not everyone shares your enthusiasm, although without trying it why would they?


I particularly like the 'no mod cons' comment, if 'mod cons' worked then everyone piling out of FF, Virgin, Bannertyne's etc would be fit and healthy - we know they're not!!! lol


Prime Mover isn't for everyone, we knew it wouldn't be when we set it up, there's always the crowd that would rather stick to the conventional and wonder why they look the same every Xmas, but the guys in the know, like Scott, can benefit from massive changes in their body composition, fitness and health in just a few short weeks, they're the people we're looking to attract and it's working!


Anyone that wants to try us out please feel free to email me at info@prime-mover.co.uk


Oh and one last thing, we don't divide our time between clients in a session! The trainer is constantly moving round and motivating people within the group! 'average of 5 mins' - lol

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I think it kind of looks fun. I'm personally happy with the gym as I do 5 classes a week and run outside twice a week (and it's working as I am looking quite different). If I just stuck to the boring treadmills, machine weights and my own little individual circuit training routinue I would of given up a long time ago :hihi: No wonder a lot of people hate the gym!


However I have noticed that a lot of blokes just seem to stick to the machines and weights as the classes often seem very female orientated, though pump, circuits and spinning classes are seen as acceptable by the blokes even though I think they are the easier classes :hihi: The hardest classes for me are the aerobic/ weights mix classes which I love but you never see blokes at them!


I think that you venture is an excellent idea for people that find the gym boring and need the classes side to keep motivated but find the classes the gym offer are not to their taste.

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