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Are we the new whipping boys?

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The Government rely on the Banking system to run or the country goes to pot, all that this crisis has done is highlight the power the Banks have over us and how weak our Governments really are.


That is true. Governments no longer run the country it is the rich and powerful and in particular those who run the media.


The reason Labour became so right wing was to attract the Daily Mail vote and to curry favour with Murdock.


Here's a frightening thought. Whichever party is supported by Murdock always wins an election.

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I wish they would bring back pension books and then I wouldn't need a bank.......


How did that work?



Gordon sold the gold, then they talked about getting rid of physical money altogether... I like the sound of a pension book (was it like co-op coupons, shares), were you more in control of where the money was?

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That is true. Governments no longer run the country it is the rich and powerful and in particular those who run the media.


The reason Labour became so right wing was to attract the Daily Mail vote and to curry favour with Murdock.


Here's a frightening thought. Whichever party is supported by Murdock always wins an election.


Thankyou ,that's what i've been trying to get accross on other threads but am called a nutter.

Look at the Bilderberg group

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Bankers should be hanging from lamposts as an example to the others. However, they made their millions and ruined the country under a LABOUR government (Yes A LABOUR government). Brown and Blair stood back and watched them rape and pillage and appeared at thier bunfights and presentations as honored guests.


What can be Done?


Never, ever, ever, vote labour again.


1951, 1970, 1979, 2010, more or less the years that Labour came out of power. What have these dates in common? The country was in serious economic trouble.


LABOURs new motto.





Sieg heil sieg heil ... and who do you think got us into this mess in the first place? You think thiings were pretty bad under labour, how many tory governments have you lived under? Try thinking before you answer. Oh, BTW I will always vote Labour just to annoy you.

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Think about the poor share holders at Bradford and Bingley that have been left with nothing and I am not talking about millionaires I am talking about staff with saving schemes and the “little people “ that only days before its closure were still being advised to invest in the company.


These are the real whipping boys.



The announcement will come as a bitter blow to 935,000 shareholders who face estimated average losses of between £800 and £1,000 each. Many of them were savers when B&B was a building society and received windfall shares after it converted to a bank.


Investors' shares were wiped out when the lending arm of B&B passed into public ownership in September 2008 and the savings arm was sold off to Spanish banking giant Santander


Read more: http://www.thisismoney.co.uk/investing/article.html?in_article_id=508251&in_page_id=166#ixzz18S0FSwZy

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My opinion?

The banks run the country. The party in power is just a distraction to point the finger at. Yes the banks and the Labour government ruined the country, but do you really think things would be different now if the Tories had been in power?

The banks pull the strings and the Prime Minister is the puppet.

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Think about the poor share holders at Bradford and Bingley that have been left with nothing and I am not talking about millionaires I am talking about staff with saving schemes and the “little people “ that only days before its closure were still being advised to invest in the company.


These are the real whipping boys.





Read more: http://www.thisismoney.co.uk/investing/article.html?in_article_id=508251&in_page_id=166#ixzz18S0FSwZy


If the losses are related to windfall shares then they haven't really lost any money because they didn't buy them to begin with.


there is, of course, a wider issue and that is the responsibility shareholders have as the owners of a company.

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