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Are we the new whipping boys?

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My opinion?

The banks run the country. The party in power is just a distraction to point the finger at. Yes the banks and the Labour government ruined the country, but do you really think things would be different now if the Tories had been in power?

The banks pull the strings and the Prime Minister is the puppet.


It might have been different, it might not have been better though


There seems to be a growing school of thought, particularly amongst the right that the banks should have been allowed to fail. At least initially the Tories seemed to be against bailing out the banks.


In the short term then there would have been a bit of pain but the surviving banks would have been smaller and more stable. Whereas what we have now is banks in a not much better condition than they were at the start of the crisis.


Over the next couple of years they will need to raise a massive amount of new finance as government support starts to be withdrawn and to comply with the new capital requirements and they are going to struggle to do that while maintaining a level of lending suitable to support the economy,

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It might have been different, it might not have been better though


There seems to be a growing school of thought, particularly amongst the right that the banks should have been allowed to fail. At least initially the Tories seemed to be against bailing out the banks.


In the short term then there would have been a bit of pain but the surviving banks would have been smaller and more stable. Whereas what we have now is banks in a not much better condition than they were at the start of the crisis.



The banks needed to be bailed out, basically because we would have all lost our money. It was bailed out with our money anyway.


It's just nasty how the bankers are making so much from it.


Bonuses just being delayed... Brilliant! Maybe the shares bit give a slight incentive, but that may lead to some kind of dodgy buy out share grab thing... Which could mean things would be much worse and pointless next time!

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The banks needed to be bailed out, basically because we would have all lost our money. It was bailed out with our money anyway.


unless your very wealthy then the deposit protection scheme will cover most if not all of your deposits


i don't find the arguments for allowing the banks to fail to be that compelling but i'm not convinced it was as bad an idea as we kept getting told


It's just nasty how the bankers are making so much from it.


Bonuses just being delayed... Brilliant! Maybe the shares bit give a slight incentive, but that may lead to some kind of dodgy by out share grab thing... Which could mean things would be much worse and pointless next time!


wouldn't disagree with that bit.


if the banks had been allowed to fail then there would be no bonuses and the surviving banks would have been chastened enough to amend their business models.

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We now have a similar thing today. The bankers do things wrong and the rest of us get punished for it, while bankers get away Scott free.


Essentially we are.


The bankers take speculative risks and are bailed out by the taxpayer.


They get million pound bonuses, we get austerity measures.


This is called Moral hazard.


Moral hazard occurs when a party insulated from risk behaves differently than it would behave if it were fully exposed to the risk.


Some say that the banks are too big to fail. Then break them up. If they object to this, don't bail them out. Simples.


It would help of course if politicians weren't in the banker's pockets.


Welcome to your new world of debt serfdom.

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My point exactly, and who were the politicians who bailed out the banks LABOUR. When Heath was in power everyone expected him to bail out Rolls Royce, he didnt what happened, they went bust, end result, a resurgent company which has never looked back.


Let the markets do their job, if banks are bust dont bail them out, let them go under. What replaces them will be fitter.


LABOUR interfere, a mixture of arrogance and stupidity has lead to us, the taxpayer bailing out a bunch of spivs. Unnecesary and counter productive.




Essentially we are.


The bankers take speculative risks and are bailed out by the taxpayer.


They get million pound bonuses, we get austerity measures.


This is called Moral hazard.




Some say that the banks are too big to fail. Then break them up. If they object to this, don't bail them out. Simples.


It would help of course if politicians weren't in the banker's pockets.


Welcome to your new world of debt serfdom.

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Thanks for the sieg heil, in your tiny mind anyone who doesnt espouse the socialist ideal must be a nazi.


I lost a brother fighting the nazis and myself have marched and demonstrated against extreme right wing organisations and will continue to do so whilst I have the strength.


Regarding the Conservatives, generally, the are better at government that Labour. BUT, our system is such that when any government gets jaded we kick them out. That is a good thing, a thing worth fighting for.


My point is that the LABOUR party are profligate with money they dont have.They always have been. Their record clealy states this.


If you disagree, then lay out your arguement. I probably wont agree, but I will die for your right to make state it. Merely to abuse me for disagreeing with you actually makes you into the nazi, dont you agree?




Sieg heil sieg heil ... and who do you think got us into this mess in the first place? You think thiings were pretty bad under labour, how many tory governments have you lived under? Try thinking before you answer. Oh, BTW I will always vote Labour just to annoy you.
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Sieg heil sieg heil ... and who do you think got us into this mess in the first place? You think thiings were pretty bad under labour, how many tory governments have you lived under? Try thinking before you answer. Oh, BTW I will always vote Labour just to annoy you.


Thats probably a more considered reason for voting Labour than most of it's voters have to be fair!! Thatchers record would have been spot on turning around the debacle inherited in the late 70's had she not gone in so hard on the coal industry, but when you've got some wannabe communist despot trying to bring your government down what else can you do!!?

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Thats probably a more considered reason for voting Labour than most of it's voters have to be fair!! Thatchers record would have been spot on turning around the debacle inherited in the late 70's had she not gone in so hard on the coal industry, but when you've got some wannabe communist despot trying to bring your government down what else can you do!!?




Yawwwwwn did you say something?

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Thanks for the sieg heil, in your tiny mind anyone who doesnt espouse the socialist ideal must be a nazi.


I lost a brother fighting the nazis and myself have marched and demonstrated against extreme right wing organisations and will continue to do so whilst I have the strength.


Regarding the Conservatives, generally, the are better at government that Labour. BUT, our system is such that when any government gets jaded we kick them out. That is a good thing, a thing worth fighting for.


My point is that the LABOUR party are profligate with money they dont have.They always have been. Their record clealy states this.


If you disagree, then lay out your arguement. I probably wont agree, but I will die for your right to make state it. Merely to abuse me for disagreeing with you actually makes you into the nazi, dont you agree?



Sieg Heil .... Why not, you're obviously better than anyone else in the entire world .... me me me

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