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Are we the new whipping boys?

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It might have been different, it might not have been better though


There seems to be a growing school of thought, particularly amongst the right that the banks should have been allowed to fail. At least initially the Tories seemed to be against bailing out the banks.


In the short term then there would have been a bit of pain but the surviving banks would have been smaller and more stable. Whereas what we have now is banks in a not much better condition than they were at the start of the crisis.


Over the next couple of years they will need to raise a massive amount of new finance as government support starts to be withdrawn and to comply with the new capital requirements and they are going to struggle to do that while maintaining a level of lending suitable to support the economy,


If the banks had been left to fail...... there would be less banks, and their power concentrated more.

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Thats probably a more considered reason for voting Labour than most of it's voters have to be fair!! Thatchers record would have been spot on turning around the debacle inherited in the late 70's had she not gone in so hard on the coal industry, but when you've got some wannabe communist despot trying to bring your government down what else can you do!!?


You mean the election Thatcher won after the Winter of Discontent, caused by Callaghan's continued hard line against workers demands for pay rises in a much healthier economic environment where ford and others were offering double figure pay rises and against his policy of pay restraint? :huh:


The economy Thatcher inherited was a long way from failing, it quite clearly was healthy, precisely the reason that the Winter of Discontent occurred and why he lost the election.


As for what Thatcher could have done with the Coal industry.... quite simply she could have honoured the plan for coal, rather than setting out with implementation of the Ridley Plan to settle old political scores, set the army against workers and set about the destruction of mining communities.

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No there wouldnt, new banks would arise, there are plenty out there who would love to get started in banking, Branson, Tesco, M&S as well could all do a better job than has been done by the likes of Sir fred and co.


If the banks had been left to fail...... there would be less banks, and their power concentrated more.
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