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Memories of The City School - Stradbroke Road


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I went to City .... Left in 1990

Not in contact with any old school friends - would love to know what Angela Lax is up to these days , we used to have a ball in science :hihi:

Her cousin posts on here from to time to time

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I went to Woodhouse West and lived on Coisley Hill but I ended up at Beaver Hill. The main people I remember who went to City are the Webbs. John, David, Julie, Martin and Alison, Darren Currie, Paul Schofield, Ian Whitehead and a few others from Normanton Springs and Dyke Vale. It used to be a great laugh watching people go up the lane at the back of Normanton Grove and then have to walk across the playing fields to get to school in winter. I bet it is still the quickest way and i bet they still have not built a proper path

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I always wondered why it was called City school, when it was nowhere near the city centre, now I know, it was on Leopold Street first.


I went to Brook by the way, the only thing I remember about City is how fast they ran away.

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I always wondered why it was called City school, when it was nowhere near the city centre, now I know, it was on Leopold Street first.


I went to Brook by the way, the only thing I remember about City is how fast they ran away.


Funny, that how I remember Brook in relation to Beaver Hill

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  • 2 weeks later...
Anyone here from City??? I was there from 1974 to 1979 and have fond memories of the place. It always had a reputation of being a good school as it took a lot of the old teachers with it to the new site at Stradbroke when it turned comprehensive from being a grammar school on Leopold Street (then education offices and now site for yet more trendy flats, bars etc). Many of my friends kids go there now but I have never been back since I left in June 79. Maybe a visit is in order lol


Do you know my friend Janine Rennie?


She would have been there at that time.

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I went to City .... Left in 1990

Not in contact with any old school friends - would love to know what Angela Lax is up to these days , we used to have a ball in science :hihi:

She was the Bizz !!!! :D



Anyone else left around this time >>? :suspect:


i remember Angela Lax .In art once with miss Evans (brilliant teacher by the way ) we couldnt stop laughing , cant remember why but everytime we stopped ,if we looked at each other again we just started up again , think i ended up standing outside for a bit but started laughing again as soon as i walked back in , Helen taylor was in on it as well .:hihi: :hihi:

Who are you , id love to get in touch with some old mates again , like you i didnt keep in contact with anyone.


Any one know what Martin Round is up to now ? , he left City same time 1990 would love to hear from him .Was quite close to him and his family when they lived across road from us on Wickfield Road . Used to spend ages at his house and hanging around on the fields . PM me if you know him .

Karen xx

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I left in 1996 and was in Mr Swifts tutor the whole time I was there. Saw him the other day and he looked disappointed as I have a two year old child. I had to remind him that I was nearly 27 and that I had a decent career! He looks down his nose at everyone who has a child who he taught. Thinks its because it reminds him how old he now is. He expected everyone to leave and become rocket scientisits and not waste your life on kids. Feel sorry for him as I don't think he had a family of his own.


Anyone there around the same time?

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