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Memories of The City School - Stradbroke Road


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I was at city untill 1979 or was it 1980, i can remember mr Sanderson and so can my backside i thank that man took too much pleasure from corporal punishment.Mr Brown the history teacher, for a dissabled bloke he sure was accurate with the board rubber. Getting the slipper for forgetting your games strip that was another memory ,O happy times (Not)!

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  • 2 months later...

Just thought i'd pop the thread bk up to the top people just in case anyones got anything to add!


As you see earlier on in the thread, Im Mathew Oldham, City School pupil 1997-2002, if you know me, or wanna ask me summat relating to school etc, just gimme a bell by PM and i'll get bk to u!


Caprice, would be interested in knowing who you are?


Red_Zebra, Same applies to you!


Kirsty_87, Allready know you huney! xx


Anyone else same applies to you!


All the best



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I must be the oldest on here, having left City GRAMMAR in 1972 - yes and i still breathing. My sons think i born just after wheel invented!! maybe they correct. i remember Sanderson, Tingle, Brown, Miss Whitham who married Mr Ward, and Mr Paulson (Poulson?) - came across him years later, teaching one of my sons at King Edwards. He retired just after - must have been the effect of bumping back into me!!! bless

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