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Mrs Thatcher to blame for the mess we are in.

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Why should someone make a profit if an OAP needs to heat where they live, capitalism has <removed> killed this country, lining the pockets of the rich, the rich get richer while the poor die off.
Why should anybody provide anything as a business without a profit?


Capitalism hasn't killed this country, it has operated on similar principles sicne Roman times. The only thing thast has come close to tearing the country apart ahs been the efforts of the last few Labour governments.


As for poor dying off, it's just a matter of Darwin being right all those years ago.

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I blame 'New Labour' for the mess we are in. I think over the next 10 years or so we will be in for some nasty suprises as a consequence of New Labour's policies.


I also believe that if we have a severe winter in 2011/2012 (as soon as that) our policy to pump millions into green energy sources will lead to major problems.


We haven't seen nothing yet!!!


Another severe winter in 12 months time, and I believe we will see gas rationing for everyone. While we have been pumping millions into a very questionable global warming theory, we have not been spending securing our own energy resources - that will be the 1st nasty suprise.


Prey to god that global warming does exsist, otherwise many people will be freezing to death during winter

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Why not blame Thatcher for all our problems:loopy:


Get ovet it.


She got this country back on it's feet after the last mess Labour caused. She made it possible for people to buy their own houses and get a foot on the property ladder.


It's a shame she's not fit enough now to sort out this mess that Labour has caused.


No wonder Blair did one when he did. He saw it a coming but did nothing.


Back on it's feet? No, she put a bullet through it's head!


If she gets a state funeral, at least we will all know when and where it is taking place - gives anyone who fancies it plenty of opportunity to give her the send off she deserves:twisted:

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Back on it's feet? No, she put a bullet through it's head!
How did she do that?


Fighting for EU rebates? Saved us billions.


Breaking the militant unions? That aided UK industrial productivity, profitability and marketability beyond measure.


Without union reform, the country was on course for ruin - she turned that around and gave us the economic prosperity that we've had for the last two decades (and which the last Labour government squandered criminally).

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Why should someone make a profit if an OAP needs to heat where they live, capitalism has <removed> killed this country, lining the pockets of the rich, the rich get richer while the poor die off.


Capitalism is a problem but pensioners can afford to heat their homes quite easily. They are treat quite well by anyone's standards.


There is the £250-400 winter fuel allowance, and if it is cold many get the cold weather payments and even a xmas bonus benefit.


40 hour of minimum wage is £240 (£200 after tax).


Poorest pensioner gets weekly £135 pension credit, full housing benefit and council tax benefit (60+15 min), free travel, free prescriptions.

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How did she do that?


Fighting for EU rebates? Saved us bityillions.


Breaking the militant unions? That aided UK industrial productivity, profitability and marketability beyond measure.


Without union reform, the country was on course for ruin - she turned that around and gave us the economic prosperity that we've had for the last two decades (and which the last Labour government squandered criminally).


Where was the prosperity? I earned more in same job before she came to power than after - after miners were crushed by that cow my wages in real terms went down the pan. Who prospered? certainly not the small businesses that relied on mining communities and were forced to sell up. Arthur Scargill was right it was the beginning of the end for mining in this country. We were a proud nation and now we are a joke

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Where was the prosperity? I earned more in same job before she came to power than after - after miners were crushed by that cow my wages in real terms went down the pan. Who prospered? certainly not the small businesses that relied on mining communities and were forced to sell up. Arthur Scargill was right it was the beginning of the end for mining in this country. We were a proud nation and now we are a joke


If you type 'uk is a' into google, the auotfil puts in 'is a third world country'.

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Are we talking about those that were lucky :rolleyes: to be paying interest rates in double figures or the ones that were given council houses for next to nothing in the hope that they would somehow become Tory voters along with those that were given shares when anything British was sold off.


Oh dear. Did you miss out?

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Rich-poor divide 'wider than 40 years ago'


Rich-poor gap widens under Blair govt


Mapping the widening UK gap between rich and poor


Gap between rich and poor continues to widen under Labour


Labour has made inequality worse: Gulf between rich and poor now widest since WWII


How the rich got richer under Labour


UK's income gap widest since 60s


Class gap widens under Blair


Poverty gap widens under Blair


Not to mention


Education gap between poorest pupils widens under Labour


Gulf in health between rich and poor widens under Labour government


A fair smattering of sources there. The Times, the BBC, The Independent, The Guardian.


But please, on no account let the facts get in the way of a good rant.


Oh, and by the way...


UK's reliance on gas continues to grow, as domestic fuel reserves diminish


Might explain why gas prices are rising.


The facts and all your links support what he was saying that inequality has been rising for the last 30 years :huh:


Yep, Thatcher trashed our coal industry and squandered our oil reserves on power stations. Thanks for pointing out another reason to blame Thatcher.

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I blame 'New Labour' for the mess we are in. I think over the next 10 years or so we will be in for some nasty suprises as a consequence of New Labour's policies.


Why not blame New Labour and Thatcher? New Labour after all continued with the sales of public assets to the private sector that she is most known for.


New Labour is a continuation of Thatcher's monetarist policies.

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