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Mrs Thatcher to blame for the mess we are in.

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The facts and all your links support what he was saying that inequality has been rising for the last 30 years :huh:


Yep, Thatcher trashed our coal industry and squandered our oil reserves on power stations. Thanks for pointing out another reason to blame Thatcher.


Wasn't Thatcher the one who streamlined our industries so they could compete in the world markets. That is what attracted all those Japanese companies like Honda, Toshiba, Nissan and Toyota to set up here when she was PM.


I note that in the 13 years that the lefties were in charge they stopped coming anymore and many upped sticks and cleared off elsewhere.


Can anyone really imagine the pre Thatcher steel industry, coal industry or British Leyland style motor industry cutting it in the modern no trade barriers world?

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Wasn't Thatcher the one who streamlined our industries so they could compete in the world markets. That is what attracted all those Japanese companies like Honda, Toshiba, Nissan and Toyota to set up here when she was PM.


I note that in the 13 years that the lefties were in charge they stopped coming anymore and many upped sticks and cleared off elsewhere.


Isolated examples in the motor industry, only serve to remind us of the losses in our own industries in the same period.


These Lefties in charge, do you mean New labour? people that privatised air traffic control? did all they could to privatise Royal Mail, continued with the privatisations in the rail industry despite the privatisations costing us much more in subsidies than it did when it public ownership and the businesses still going bust? the privatisation in the NHS and Education? Ohh and as Vague Boy has explained at such length with his links... rising inequality.


Excuse me but all those policies are right wing by my definition. So when was this 13 years of lefties in power?

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Isolated examples in the motor industry, only serve to remind us of the losses in our own industries in the same period.


These Lefties in charge, do you mean New labour? people that privatised air traffic control? did all they could to privatise Royal Mail, continued with the privatisations in the rail industry despite the privatisations costing us much more in subsidies than it did when it public ownership and the businesses still going bust? the privatisation in the NHS and Education? Ohh and as Vague Boy has explained at such length with his links... rising inequality.


Excuse me but all those policies are right wing by my definition. So when was this 13 years of lefties in power?


Excuse my ignorance. I hadn't realised that you had you head quite that far up your own backside.

No wonder you advocate direct action, as there really is no prospect of you ever seeing a government of your liking unless you move to North Korea or Cuba.

Yes we could all have carried on as we were in the 1970s and watched all our industries go down the pan and let the unions run the country. Just not sure how we would have paid for it though. There again neither did Zimbabwe.

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The facts and all your links support what he was saying that inequality has been rising for the last 30 years :huh:


Yep, Thatcher trashed our coal industry and squandered our oil reserves on power stations. Thanks for pointing out another reason to blame Thatcher.


Oh and she deregulated the banking industry which started off all this cr*p, she deregulated the buses in sheffield, privatised the trains ... do I really need to go on?

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Wasn't Thatcher the one who streamlined our industries so they could compete in the world markets. That is what attracted all those Japanese companies like Honda, Toshiba, Nissan and Toyota to set up here when she was PM.


I note that in the 13 years that the lefties were in charge they stopped coming anymore and many upped sticks and cleared off elsewhere.


Can anyone really imagine the pre Thatcher steel industry, coal industry or British Leyland style motor industry cutting it in the modern no trade barriers world?


No, she sold it all off to the higher bidder, which were generally foreigners, who then promptly shut down most of the UK industry and shipped all the equipment overseas to exploit foreign labour and then sold the finished products back to the UK. We now have an economy based on selling houses and consumerism whilst countries like China and India are the ones now making it big.


Bonaparte called it right when he said we were a nation of shopkeepers.

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... the rich get richer while the poor die off.


Well, that's a novel twist to the story of evolution. If the rich are getting richer and the poor are dying out, how many generations will it take until we are all rich?


... if you want something and can't afford it you either have to go without which most people are reluctant to do, borrow or get it on credit or steal it off some poor sod that has what you want but was daft enough to pay for it


It used to be the case that if you wanted something and you couldn't afford it you did without and saved up until you could afford it.


Under New Labour, you were encouraged to borrow money (and just look at the levels of personal debt in the UK) or were encouraged to expect the state to buy it for you (Pretty much the same as 'steal it off some poor sod', because the state doesn't have any money of its own and the poor sods who do work are taxed heavily to provide 'needful things' for those who can't be bothered to save up for them.)

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Under New Labour, you were encouraged to borrow money (and just look at the levels of personal debt in the UK) or were encouraged to expect the state to buy it for you (Pretty much the same as 'steal it off some poor sod', because the state doesn't have any money of its own and the poor sods who do work are taxed heavily to provide 'needful things' for those who can't be bothered to save up for them.)


Indeed. It's a shame the people are so easily led. I for one have always lived by the principle that if I can't afford it, I can't have it. With the sole exception of a house, which it will usually be impossible to save up for in full. I've bought both the cars I've owned with cash because I didn't need a brand new one. I don't own seven games consoles. I don't take out finance for any purchases except where I've already got the money, it's 0%, and I can't negotiate a discount for cash.


EDIT - I'm only in my early thirties, so I was the prime target demographic for taking on unmanageable levels of debt.

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Excuse my ignorance. I hadn't realised that you had you head quite that far up your own backside.

No wonder you advocate direct action, as there really is no prospect of you ever seeing a government of your liking unless you move to North Korea or Cuba.

Yes we could all have carried on as we were in the 1970s and watched all our industries go down the pan and let the unions run the country. Just not sure how we would have paid for it though. There again neither did Zimbabwe.



All our industries HAVE gone down the pan anyway and this is despite the fact that the unions HAVEN'T been running the country.


It's due to the Tory governments from Thatchers and onwards and including the New Labour Tory government who have persisted with the selling off of everything we owned.

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