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Please give £2 a month

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I don't know about you but I am sick of these adverts being rammed down my throat. If I sat infront of the idiot box all day and donated to every advert I saw I would be paying out a fortune! Yeah, polar bears are very cute on the adverts but how is my £2 a month going to stop the polar ice caps melting? And how much of my donation is going to actually go towards the charity, after the staff and the government have had their cut?


When I worked in a call centre many years ago I got fed up with the various different charity boxes coming round, It was costing me about a tenner a week just to sit at my desk. So I took the decision then to choose 1 charity and ONLY donate to them. I'd like to be able to help but find helping out at local charity events and shops much more rewarding.


I'd like to have the freedom of choice when giving to charity, and not have guilt when I don't do it. I hate being hassled in town, I despise having strangers knocking on my door, then judging me when I say no! And I cannot stand these adverts when I am trying to relax during the evening. The tv is rife with them at the moment but we're in a recession. I'd prefer to donate my time and energy and feel like i've actually made a difference. What about you?

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I know where you are coming from, they even show them on childrens TV, which in my opinion is unfair. Do what large companys do, and choose just one charity and help them, then the following year change to another good cause.

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I give to charity regularly, when I can, e.g. collection tins at local shops, buying from charity shops, the odd phone donation. Also at times i'll volunteer.


But recently every time i've gone up or down the Moor i've been challenged and virtually abused, sometimes 3 or 4 times a go...


And yes, too many adverts, they're really making me cynical. Many are as bad if not worse than insurance adverts. I now feel more sorry for that meercat than big eyed children with flies on their lips and i'd like to wrangle the meercats through, so...


But just think £2 a month is only six and a half pence a day!

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Give to a local good cause where it will be used to its best, Weston Park Hospital/Sheffield Childrens Hospital/St Lukes/Mc Millan Nurses all good well worth causes where it will benefit Sheffield and the comunity.

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I had someone knock on my door from a charity for the blind last week. They always say "your neighbours are nice" or "your neighbours have been very generous" to make you feel guilty.

I told him yes I might be interested, he wanted me to fill a form in with my bank details on the spot, wasn't allowed to leave the form for me to look at. I Told him I would look on their website.

I didn't want to give my bank details to someone without looking into it first, he said nothing would happen straightaway, they would be in contact after Xmas, but I didn't have time to read what I was signing.

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Thing is selphie, and I know it's a cliche thing to say but, nobody is holding a gun to your head. Just because they make you feel guilty that doesn't mean your freedom of choice has been compromised, it just means you have let their persuasive techniques work on you.


The same applies to all those products we don't actually need yet are sold to us on a daily basis to make us feel we are missing out if we don't buy. The same guilt a single mother feels because she can't afford to buy her children nice things for Christmas. The choice is their, regardless of whether we feel guilty or not.

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