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Please give £2 a month

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I don't know about you but I am sick of these adverts being rammed down my throat. If I sat infront of the idiot box all day and donated to every advert I saw I would be paying out a fortune! Yeah, polar bears are very cute on the adverts but how is my £2 a month going to stop the polar ice caps melting? And how much of my donation is going to actually go towards the charity, after the staff and the government have had their cut?


When I worked in a call centre many years ago I got fed up with the various different charity boxes coming round, It was costing me about a tenner a week just to sit at my desk. So I took the decision then to choose 1 charity and ONLY donate to them. I'd like to be able to help but find helping out at local charity events and shops much more rewarding.


I'd like to have the freedom of choice when giving to charity, and not have guilt when I don't do it. I hate being hassled in town, I despise having strangers knocking on my door, then judging me when I say no! And I cannot stand these adverts when I am trying to relax during the evening. The tv is rife with them at the moment but we're in a recession. I'd prefer to donate my time and energy and feel like i've actually made a difference. What about you?


What a plonker!


You call it the idiot box, but then admit that you see these adverts all the time! That must make you an idiot...........right?


Why do you feel the need to rant about adverts that ask for £2 towards a goo cause?? I bet you would spend even more money if you bought a Big Mac every time a McDonnalds advert came on your idiot box!


Just stop watching the TV if it winds you up so much! :loopy:

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I know where you are coming from, they even show them on childrens TV, which in my opinion is unfair. Do what large companys do, and choose just one charity and help them, then the following year change to another good cause.


Why is it unfair to raise awareness when children are watching the TV??:loopy:


Surely it's even worse for toy manufacturing companies to advertise when kids are watching TV isn't it?


Do you just not like giving to charities?

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Why is it unfair to raise awareness when children are watching the TV??:loopy:


Surely it's even worse for toy manufacturing companies to advertise when kids are watching TV isn't it?


Do you just not like giving to charities?


you can not compare the two!

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There's a lot of money to be made for the admin sector of charities. Companies that do cold telephone calling are making millions every year from the charities they represent.


Some charities actually only put as little as 26p from every pound donated into the actual charity. The rest is used to pay commission and other admin fees.


Charity shops seem to be the best option, you get something for your money.

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What a plonker!


You call it the idiot box, but then admit that you see these adverts all the time! That must make you an idiot...........right?


Why do you feel the need to rant about adverts that ask for £2 towards a goo cause?? I bet you would spend even more money if you bought a Big Mac every time a McDonnalds advert came on your idiot box!


Just stop watching the TV if it winds you up so much! :loopy:


Keep your insults to yourself. I very rarely watch tv, it is an idiot box, designed to distract you from what is really going on right under your nose. I wasn't 'ranting' mearly voicing an observation and inviting other people to comment on it. It's what forums are for you know!!:loopy::loopy:


As for Big Mac's, no ta. I prefer actual food as opposed to reconstituted crap rolled into a bun. If you haven't got anything constructive to say, keep your silly little comments to yourself!

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I don't know about you but I am sick of these adverts being rammed down my throat. If I sat infront of the idiot box all day and donated to every advert I saw I would be paying out a fortune! Yeah, polar bears are very cute on the adverts but how is my £2 a month going to stop the polar ice caps melting? And how much of my donation is going to actually go towards the charity, after the staff and the government have had their cut?


When I worked in a call centre many years ago I got fed up with the various different charity boxes coming round, It was costing me about a tenner a week just to sit at my desk. So I took the decision then to choose 1 charity and ONLY donate to them. I'd like to be able to help but find helping out at local charity events and shops much more rewarding.


I'd like to have the freedom of choice when giving to charity, and not have guilt when I don't do it. I hate being hassled in town, I despise having strangers knocking on my door, then judging me when I say no! And I cannot stand these adverts when I am trying to relax during the evening. The tv is rife with them at the moment but we're in a recession. I'd prefer to donate my time and energy and feel like i've actually made a difference. What about you?




I already give to two charities via direct debit, two that I chose to give to.


I mute the adverts so I don't hear them and when people come to the door, as soon as they mention the charity name, I say "oh.. I already give to them straight from my wage.."works every time


As for the charity askers on Fargate etc, sorry guys, but I'll just say no thanks and carry on walking...

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Keep your insults to yourself. I very rarely watch tv, it is an idiot box, designed to distract you from what is really going on right under your nose. I wasn't 'ranting' mearly voicing an observation and inviting other people to comment on it. It's what forums are for you know!!:loopy::loopy:


As for Big Mac's, no ta. I prefer actual food as opposed to reconstituted crap rolled into a bun. If you haven't got anything constructive to say, keep your silly little comments to yourself!


All you have to do is say no if you don't want to donate money. I can't understand how someone can turn their nose up to a charity asking for donations!! I think it says a lot about you to be honest!

Charities need donations and they need to constantly raise awareness!...........Don't you know how charities work?:loopy::loopy:

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What I think that the OP is trying to say is that there just isn't enough money in the standard pocket to donate £2 to every charity.


It's not about being stingy or anything nasty, it's about being realistic about how far your money can go.


But it's an advert on the TV!! Every charity has the right to ask for donations on the TV or in the street. You don't have to give to all of them every time you see an advert do you?? People don't feel the need to purchase everything they see from every advert they watch do they??


I can't believe how stupid this thread is! :help:

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All you have to do is say no if you don't want to donate money. I can't understand how someone can turn their nose up to a charity asking for donations!! I think it says a lot about you to be honest!

Charities need donations and they need to constantly raise awareness!...........Don't you know how charities work?:loopy::loopy:


Luckily you don't know anything about me and so you're not really in position to judge. I know quite a bit about charity, perhaps not all the ins and outs but I do know that from giving £2 a month, approximately 80p will reach the charity and it isn't going to stop polar ice caps from melting. If I don't want to donate money I say 'I don't want to donate money'. I agree that charities need to raise money, but would prefer to support a local cause such as the children's hospital, because it's close to me and I use it. We need to take a good look at homeless and starving in our own towns and cities before sending money abroad. And if I want to donate i'll make the decision all by myself, without a pushy salesman invading my privacy and looking down his nose at me. Charity begins at home!

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