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Why do modern women find violent men so appealing?

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Why is it that today good manners and consideration appear to be viewed as a weakness if men possess these qualities?


Where I work, there are numerous men who seem to be forever single. These men are kind, hardworking, in other words perfect if you were looking for somthing more long term.


On the other hand, whether or not this is spoken about more (I don't know) but women more and more appear to on the wrong end of a violent man. These men often do not work, trample all over the women, control them and in some cases get them pregnant and then clear off.


So are good manners and kindness viewed as a sign of weakness for modern men?

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I don't get it either. I'd much rather have my lovely hubby any day and don't see his kind, hardworking ways as a weakness, I see these as qualities of a good man.

I think that you also need to look at the type of women that go for this type of man - see the Jeremy Kyle show for answers! In a lot of cases, they belong together.

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Perhaps the policies of the last government gave the 'violent and irressponsible' male a greater opportunity to spread his wings.


Perhaps one good side effect of the benefit cuts, is that women will be forced to think carefully about who they go with and who gets them pregnant.


Maybe with less money being thrown about for the feckless, men with qualities such as being hardworking, kind and considerate will become viewed as 'real men' once again - i hope so. Men who care for their women and look after them, not give them a punch in the face

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I dont know any of my female friends with a violent partner, if I or any other of my mates knew they were, we`d be round to get to her out, and him through a window.


If however you mean the sort of lad who likes a drink with his pals, a swear, and dosn`t shave everyday, then yes, thats` probably more attractive than some bloke who dosn`t leave the house, boring, and a bit clingy.

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