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Why do modern women find violent men so appealing?

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Why is it that today good manners and consideration appear to be viewed as a weakness if men possess these qualities?


Where I work, there are numerous men who seem to be forever single. These men are kind, hardworking, in other words perfect if you were looking for somthing more long term.


On the other hand, whether or not this is spoken about more (I don't know) but women more and more appear to on the wrong end of a violent man. These men often do not work, trample all over the women, control them and in some cases get them pregnant and then clear off.


So are good manners and kindness viewed as a sign of weakness for modern men?


Broad generalisation, almost all of the violent men I know are in steady employment (until their boss crosses their path), almost all of them do not beat their women up and almost all of them have long term partners with families.

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There is a school of thought (supported by research to a point) which says that women who have been brought up in violent or abusive households tend to end up in abusive relationships, in much the same way that children of alcoholics tend to end up with alcoholic partners.

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There is a school of thought (supported by research to a point) which says that women who have been brought up in violent or abusive households tend to end up in abusive relationships, in much the same way that children of alcoholics tend to end up with alcoholic partners.


I've heard similar, although it does seem to baffle logic.


Good to see you back Berlin, it's been too long :)

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