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Will you tip the postie for Christmas?

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I'd quite like a solid gold toilet to crap on aswell.......Until the management let posties out of the depot to deliver at breakfast time it isn't going to happen




Spot on! How can 1 posties delivery to all 400-500 houses on his/her route by the end of the morning when they don't get out til after 10am!


If people want someone to blame then Blame the Internet for increasing online buying and the increase in unnessary/bulk advertising by various companies for it taking longer to deliver.


It's 2010 not 1990. Most of the mail now is 'business to business' or 'business to people' not people to people like the good old days.


Get used to having your mail very very late. Deliveries across the country are changing to shared vans and duties will start later.


Me and the guy I will be working with will have more than 1500 houses to deliver to and will start delivering around 9.30-10am. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to work out nobody will be getting their mail early!


We don't want to be delivering later but apparently it's 'modernisation', along with an 'improved Saturday service' which means your mail will be around 3 hours later than it is now. :rolleyes:


Btw if any of my customers are reading this, thank you as I have had loads of tips this Christmas.

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I'm on not much more than minimum wage and had to take an 80 quid a month pay cut this year. I had no mail for 2 weeks while it was snowy.


Am I tipping the postman?


Am I buggery!


so they are responsible for your wage cut...i think not...what were you expecting while it was snowy...probebly nothing only bills.so give them a break they can only deliver whats been sent to thier office.. rant over..

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its christmas of course you tip them,and the binman,spread some christmas cheer you scrooges :)mine have got lovely bottle of wine


Why dont we just tip every occupation we come into contact with over Christmas then???


Might even tip the cashier at my local CO-OP......


or and no forgetting the bus driver....


Tipping is ridiculous...Christmas or not. Sorry :-(

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Millions of people in this country are on a minimum wage.

Most do not receive tips for the job they are doing.

I do not understand why certain low paid occupations, should get tips as

part of their remuneration, when others do not.

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