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Frozen water pipes

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Yayyy! after 4 days of no water I now can go for a poo on my own bog!!!

After my dad working out where the freeze was, he hired a space heater from Jewsons this morning, and he and bro in law came up (thankyou sooo much) and directed the heat at the floor in the area and slowly but surely have thawed the pipes, no bursts or anything!!

Can`t thank them enough!!! :D

Edited by lyndix
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Great start to my Christmas eve im homeless. Went out of my council flat for a few hours, when i returned it was completely flooded as was the flat below me.

The pipe that burst is in the loft this is the shower feed. the contractors who fitted this for the council never lagged it. The emergency guy who came out told me these loft pipe bursts are hapening on a big scale because of cost cutting. All the electrics are shot due to being filled with water, my new water bed is useless lol.

Ah well could be worse, me mates put me up for a while. I wonder if anyone else has gone through this? any advice regarding what the council will do? They are coming to have a look in a couple of weeks.

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Great start to my Christmas eve im homeless. Went out of my council flat for a few hours, when i returned it was completely flooded as was the flat below me.

The pipe that burst is in the loft this is the shower feed. the contractors who fitted this for the council never lagged it. The emergency guy who came out told me these loft pipe bursts are hapening on a big scale because of cost cutting. All the electrics are shot due to being filled with water, my new water bed is useless lol.

Ah well could be worse, me mates put me up for a while. I wonder if anyone else has gone through this? any advice regarding what the council will do? They are coming to have a look in a couple of weeks.

Our Neighbour's house has just flooded and has cause water damage in our house. Managed to turn water off in street but water seems to still be leaking from loft. It's empty so nobody is attending to it and we continue to have seepage into ours.:(

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Great start to my Christmas eve im homeless. Went out of my council flat for a few hours, when i returned it was completely flooded as was the flat below me.

The pipe that burst is in the loft this is the shower feed. the contractors who fitted this for the council never lagged it. The emergency guy who came out told me these loft pipe bursts are hapening on a big scale because of cost cutting. All the electrics are shot due to being filled with water, my new water bed is useless lol.

Ah well could be worse, me mates put me up for a while. I wonder if anyone else has gone through this? any advice regarding what the council will do? They are coming to have a look in a couple of weeks.


We went through this last year. We're not tenants so I can't comment on what the council might do, it was an insurance claim for us, but we were out of our home for 7 months. Everything had to be ripped out, the whole place thoroughly dried then everything replaced. By everything I mean furniture, carpets, plaster, ceilings, kitchen units etc. You have my sympathy.

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Here's what you should do if you have no cold or hot water from your taps:


This means you have frozen pipes somewhere, most likely in the loft space - even if they are insulated - that reduces the chances of freezing, but it can still happen.


They will thaw at some point-but there is a good chance they will burst.


Finding them and thawing them out is possible, but they will easily freeze again.


So, when you go out, or go to bed, TURN THE WATER OFF. If you can, turn the water off to the loft or fit a stop **** to the loft supply so you can isolate that part of the system till this weather clears.


Then when they burst, you will be around to minimize the damage and not come home to find you have thousands of pounds worth of damage and a ruined Chirstmas!

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Who is still without water then ?


We are in day 6 without. Ours are frozen before the main stop tap so suspect under ground and below the drive.


Anyone got any miracle tips? We are currently and have been trying to heat the pipes but to no avail. Driving is mad and although not ruining Christmas proving a major distraction.


We have left stop tap open and kitchen tap slightly open as an outlet.

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Who is still without water then ?


We are in day 6 without. Ours are frozen before the main stop tap so suspect under ground and below the drive.Anyone got any miracle tips? We are currently and have been trying to heat the pipes but to no avail. Driving is mad and although not ruining Christmas proving a major distraction.


We have left stop tap open and kitchen tap slightly open as an outlet.


thats exactly what ours was, the freeze was the stopcock from the rd, under the drive where it enetered the garage. after 4 days without water we managed to hire a space heater, directed the heat on the drive and garage floor and down the stopcock grate, took a couple of hours and we had water, thankfully nothing burst!

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Great start to my Christmas eve im homeless. Went out of my council flat for a few hours, when i returned it was completely flooded as was the flat below me.

The pipe that burst is in the loft this is the shower feed. the contractors who fitted this for the council never lagged it. The emergency guy who came out told me these loft pipe bursts are hapening on a big scale because of cost cutting. All the electrics are shot due to being filled with water, my new water bed is useless lol.

Ah well could be worse, me mates put me up for a while. I wonder if anyone else has gone through this? any advice regarding what the council will do? They are coming to have a look in a couple of weeks.


is it sheff council or a housing association would think it would be down to contractors how long has work been done

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