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Frozen water pipes

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Pipes should all be thawed out by now.

I went to a job last week where the home owner thought it was a frozen pipe, I found the float valve in the cold water header tank was seized therefore not allowing hot water cylinder to be fed.




The ice just isn't melting mate went to a job in doncaster today and had to actually reomve the ice from both header tanks before refilling !!!!

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My parents have just phoned the water board and there are still hundreds of frozen pipes around sheffield, they are sending someone tomorrow to take a look


There is also the possibility that the pipe is leaking thus causing no water inside we had a job like that yesterday.

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We've also been without water since 23rd December and we're in Doncaster, we're the only house on our street thats been affected which just doesn't seem fair. Yorkshire Water have been anything but helpful. We've had a plumber out who says our only solution is to dig the drive and front garden up and dig the pipes down deeper and lag them or connect a new pipe altogether and put it deeper. It's been a nightmare which I think is far from over. We're having to get water, baths and washing done from our parents. You don't realise what a luxury having running water is until it's just not there. :help:

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Ours ended up coming back on the 29th. It may have been a coincidence but ours came back about 10 mins after missing about with the main stop tap in the street that Yorkshire Water told me not to touch.


Glenybags - good luck with getting service back. I certainly feel your pain.

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We now have water hurray. It wasn't frozen pipes at all, the bloke from Yorkshire Water came and had a look at the water meter and that had been turned off. The bloke said we'd had a new meter fitted and whoever had fitted it hadn't turned the water back on, how bads that!!! So because everyone else had frozen pipes cos of the weather, they didn't come out to us until after 2 weeks. We had checked the water meter and didn't notice anything switched off. Yorkshire Water are saying they've not done any work in our area and maybe its KIDS! Well to even find the grate amongst the bushes in our garden never mind reach right down 2-3 ft or so beggars belief!!!

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The bloke said we'd had a new meter fitted and whoever had fitted it hadn't turned the water back on, how bads that!!! So because everyone else had frozen pipes cos of the weather, they didn't come out to us until after 2 weeks.


that sounds worth some Compo !!:rant:

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