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Frozen water pipes

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I am in S6 and have no water downstairs though, oddly, I still have cold water in the bathroom. I've turned all the heating up to max, tried gently heating pipes and am now at a loss as to what to do for the best. Hope for warmer weather I suppose.


Same here i think it's the outside tap that feeds from the cold tap in kitchen that has frozen,ive wrapped the tap up now to thaw it,welcome by the way :wave:

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Careful when it thaws. We had a burst pipe almost exactly a year ago just before Christmas.


We were away when it happened and arrived back to find the entire back of the house flooded and ruined by a burst pipe in the attic. It was fixed under insurance, but we spent Christmas and New Year in the Premier Inn and up till July in a house rented for us by the insurance company whilst our house was repaired.

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Thankfully I don't think I have any water in the system indoors... problem seems to be that there is no water coming in through the mains pipe, so I can only assume that that is what is frozen up. Stopcock is turned off to stop any major floods if there is an unseen burst pipe somewhere. Assume that all one can do is wait for some warmer weather. (and go beg some water off neighbours...) :(

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