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Frozen water pipes

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I think I might be thick here but why do pipes burst after they have thawed?! Wouldn't water just trickle away? What causes them to burst?


ice expands.


water takes up a certain volume, but ice takes more room, so it tries to split the pipes, sometimes with success!


Thaw occurs, ice thaws, water finds the split and hey presto, possible flood.

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My parents are in woodhouse and both have health complaints have no water at all and the water board dont want to know its disgusting the have no heating due to it being water fed and cant flush the toilet, i am taking water up for drinking.

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It's the landlord's responsibility to ensure your house is correctly provided with both hot and cold water.


Check out:




You have many options, negotiation is probably the best. You need to get them to send round a plumber to investigate and take it from there. Ring the council to find out whether the landlord is breaking environmental health laws in not providing hot running water. If they are, negotiation with the landlord should proceed very quickly :)


As that article states, you can pay for repairs yourself and deduct the costs from the rent, but you have to follow the correct procedure.


thanks for that. I guess they would say that we do have hot and cold running water- as we have one tap working upstairs and the shower is running hot-there stance is 'its happening to everyone' whats annoying is that we rent through an agency-but the actual landlord is sound and used to be a plumber and i know he wouldnt mind coming round to have a look and give is some advice-but they refuse to contact him and wont give me his number.

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The agency have a duty to repair stuff like this and should have their own set of emergency plumbers on hand for such situations. Saying 'oh well, tough, it's happening to everyone' isn't their call, they are legally obliged to assist you. Ask them to send out a plumber and if they refuse, ask them why not and quote the relevant law as per that post I pointed you to previously. Just accept that with the current freak weather, it may take some time for a plumber to become available. But they can't simply 'refuse' to attempt resolving this for you.


If you have to, point out you are aware that you can have it repaired yourself and will deduct the costs from future rent.


As for the actual landlord; from this:




the agency (collector of rent) are legally obliged to provide his name and address, although you have to make the request in writing, so unlikely to help you ATM. But it sounds like you might want to do this anyway - they must provide in 21 days or they commit an offence.


I've always found that as long as you remain calm and polite in these situations, you will normally get what you want, especially when it is clear that you know what you are talking about and are clearly not going to drop it until they sort it out.

Edited by shadow
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Thanks-thats really helpful. I bloody hate being at the mercy of agencies-it just makes me want to scream "this is my home ffs" :) my housemate is an advice worker so ill get her to sort it!

The agency have a duty to repair stuff like this and should have their own set of emergency plumbers on hand for such situations. Saying 'oh well, tough, it's happening to everyone' isn't their call, they are legally obliged to assist you. Ask them to send out a plumber and if they refuse, ask them why not and quote the relevant law as per that post I pointed you to previously. Just accept that with the current freak weather, it may take some time for a plumber to become available. But they can't simply 'refuse' to attempt resolving this for you.


If you have to, point out you are aware that you can have it repaired yourself and will deduct the costs from future rent.


As for the actual landlord; from this:




the agency (collector of rent) are legally obliged to provide his name and address, although you have to make the request in writing, so unlikely to help you ATM. But it sounds like you might want to do this anyway - they must provide in 21 days or they commit an offence.


I've always found that as long as you remain calm and polite in these situations, you will normally get what you want, especially when it is clear that you know what you are talking about and are clearly not going to drop it until they sort it out.

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we have had hairdryer on the stop tap since about 8am and still no luck just want to see a trickle of water


What are you hoping to acheive if the main water pipes located under ground are frozen which they appear to be as you are not alone.

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What are you hoping to acheive if the main water pipes located under ground are frozen which they appear to be as you are not alone.


thats what the nice man at the council office told us to do and nobody else's on our block is frozen. so i am hopeing to achieve water

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I had -16 here the past few nights and been to countless burst pipe flood incidents. You have to know where your stop **** is internally usually uhder the sink and also the outside toby usually located on the pavement outside your house. Run the taps if you have a burst and dont use electrical items if been in contact with water

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