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Stressed just want to talk

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Stress iS not really the word. Im a singal parent of 3kids under 5. As i found out partner was usein drugs i love him to death but dont want to be with some one who takes em, an i cant get the trust thing back but i really want him. Its christmas in 5 days all the kids ill broncitist, ear infection, an the little one might have to go in hospital if dont feed, my landloard wants me out of his house by the 6th jan as he dont want the stress of having to fix things, i have no money to pay for bond or mths rent in advance or once i find somewhere no money to get all my things out. There is no insterlation what so ever you can see out side in the attic it cost 10+ aday to have heating on 3hours in morning then 4pm till the it goes off. I have the baby blues all i seem to do is cry. I just wanted to write how i feel to see if makes me feel any better x


You need help.


What drugs is your partner using and how is that affecting the lives of you and your children. Is there any way he can get help???


You say your children are ill...have you seen the doctor and got the appropriate medicine for them.


Has your landlord given you a notice to quit. In your circumstances the council may be able to rehome you. There is a place opposite me now....boarded up by the council so there are homes to be let. Are you on the council housing list?


You have baby blues...it's horrid isn't it. Do you have any support with that? Is anyone looking after your little ones whilst you have a little "you" time.


There are many support agencies out there....are you a member of any Church..they would be able to start getting you the support you need :)

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I just want to smash lot up scream pull my hair out. Its did make me feel better to write it but problems still there i try to not cry as my oldest asks if ok i say yes but im not x


What an awful situation. There charities out there that WILL help you, it might just be a case of googling and phoning them all up! Also howden house shpuld be your first point of contact.

If your kids are under 5 they are the easiest age to buy cheap presents for i find. £1 shop, charity shops, B&M in town have good sales on toys for under £20.

Also i assume you have family, if you have and they buy presents then it wont mattter one little bit if you dont buy them stuff as well because at that age just tell them they are all from santa! :)

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I just want to smash lot up scream pull my hair out. Its did make me feel better to write it but problems still there i try to not cry as my oldest asks if ok i say yes but im not x


I know that talking about the problems doesn't make them go away but sometimes talking allows you to think through what your options are. Maybe you have good friends or family you feel able to do this with but maybe it would be easier to talk to someone you don't know. Someone trained to listen and help you think things through rather than telling you what you 'should' do.


Your GP should be able to put you in touch with someone and maybe he/she could assess you for postnatal depression. It is a recognised biological condition and one that can be treated. The baby blues most people experience usually passes in days, post natal depression presents later on...sometimes months later on. Maybe you could speak to your health visitor, she will be familiar with it and able to offer some support and guidance.


In the mean time consider contacting the samaritans. If you paste the following into your address field you will get the Sheffield page which gives you details of the telephone number and email. If you phone them I think they can phone you back. They offer an email service too.


My heart goes out to you and I hope you are able to find some support.



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The council may well have a duty to rehouse you. It might also help to speak to your GP and tell him/her about your situation and how it is affecting your health and see what support they can offer.


The suggestion to contact Shelter is a good one, they have a freephone

0808 800 4444 so it won't cost you anything to ring them.

Their website is helpful: http://england.shelter.org.uk/

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